When They Ask You Out part 2

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Jordan Parrish:

"Did you finish the paperwork (Y/N)?" Mr. Stilinski asked you. You nod your head and hand him the files along with the folder.

"I don't know why you gave me this, but I can't help you." You say as he looks at the yellow folder. He nods his head, and dismisses you with a hand gesture. You walk out of the office and away from the slightly to mildly awkward tension. As you head away from the sheriff's office, Parrish stops you.

"So you finished the paperwork." He says. You smile at him and nod your head.

"No more 'work buddy' sessions." You saw with air quotes. He smiles at you and scratches the back of his head.

"Well, I was wondering if you, (Y/N), wanted to go out on a date with me." His question making a small smile form on your face. You nod your head before speaking, trying to gain your voice, that had momentarily slipped away.

"Sure, I would love too. Dinner on friday?" You ask. He smiles at you, his bright white teeth making you smile.

"Sure, I'll pick you up at 7. I'll see you then." You smile at him and nod your head. You ruffle his hair, making him loosen up. You walk out of the station, but not before giving him a mock salute.

"See you friday Deputy."

Liam Dunbar:

"Why does the locker room always smell so bad?" You ask Stiles as you watch them get their gear on.

"Boys locker room. Teenage boy locker room." Stiles said giving you a look. You roll your eyes at the boy and walk away from them. You pass boys left and right, most of them checking you out and all of a sudden taking off their shirts. Rolling your eyes, you stop at a certain teenage boy, his shirt on (sadly), and his gear almost on.

"Hey (Y/N)." He said, surprising you because you just turned the corner.

"How did you know it was me Dunbar? I just turned the corner." You asked, raising an eyebrow. He started to get nervous, scratching the back of his neck, avoiding eye contact with you.

"I just heard you." He said, trying to play it off casually with a half lie.

"What do you have super hearing?" You say joking. He starts getting antsy at you comment, but you brush off his behavior as pre-game anxiety.

"I wanted to wish you good luck." You say, your eyes soften from it's usual sharpness.

"Thanks... Um (Y/N), I wanted to ask you something." He says, his face turning tomato red.

"Will... you go on a date with me?" He asked, you smile sincerely at him. You quickly pull a smirk and give him a daring look.

"Sure, I'll go out with you, only if you win the game. Okay?" You ask. He nods his head like an eager puppy, ready to do whatever he has to do.

"Let's hope you win." You say before you walk off towards Scott and Stiles, both smirking. You roll your eyes at the two kids and hit the back of Stiles' head before leaving the locker room to sit with Lydia on the bleachers. As for the date, you swore you saw his eyes glow a few times as he made a goal.

"Friday, I'll pick you up at 7. Dress nicely." He said, sending you a sly smile  


Okay, so I know this is long over due, and I still have a few things to post, but summer is where I get really lazy and can't do jack shit. Good News, I am working on more preferences and they will be here soon. Also I love it when you guys comment and vote, it makes me update faster. Sorry about the wait. 

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