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"Mia wake up." I wake up and feel somebody knudging me

I adjust my eyes and see it's Gen. "Hey." I stretch "What time is it?"

"Almost two."

"Oh well I should leave-"

"No not if Corie is being a bitch you can just stay here until he calls and apologizes."

I sigh "If he calls and apologizes."

"Sorry for not being here with tou last night I was really knocked out. But anyways," she sits down on the bed next to me "Tell me what happened."


"That's fucked up. I didn't know Corie could get that mad..but we need to go get your stuff let's go.

I sit up. "Alright hopefully he's not their."

"Hopefully he is because if he fucking is then-"

"Ima need you not to go act crazy promise me you won't." I pleaded

"Alright I'll try no promises though."

I smack my teeth. There was no point to be honest. I knew she would say something. Corie didn't even let me explain he just jumped to conclusions.

I slide on my shoes and a jacket and it takes about 15 minutes to get there.

I push my key through the lock. Cories car wasn't here so I knew he wasn't home thank god. I wanted to explain myself but I wasn't quite ready yet. And I'm not going to force anyone to talk to me so on the other hand he did say he needed space. So maybe I should just wait until he initiiated contact.

Genesis did most of the work because she was just ready to get out of their. I walked around the room. Just taking in everything.

After she finished packing all of my things. She grabbed two of the four bags. "Let's go M."

"Give me five me Gen."

She nods and starts down the stairs singing beyoncé Sorry. I swear this girl.

I grabbed a pen and paper and write Corie a not explaining what happened last night.

I folded it up and laid it on his pillow along with the key to the house.

I grab my other two bags and make my way downstairs.

As soon as we get in the car she goes on a little rant

"We should've wrote your name on the wall that would've showed his stupid ass. He got sone fucking nerve grabbing you. I swear to-"

My phone rings

"Who's that?"


She groans "Why am I not fucking surprised?!"

I hit answer "Hey."

"Hey August what's up?"

"Well I just got Ashonti's car back from the shop and they said someone purposely cut the breaks."

"What? Wait, who?" I waa surprised as hell and I didn't know who or why any one would do this except you know Ashely but her ass was long gone.

"I don't know.."

"August I'm so sorry."

"Yeah. Well I just wanted to tell yoy that and ask if you still wanted to come to the baby shower. It would mean a lot to me."

"Uhm sure. I gotchu'."

"Thanks M. See you tomorrow. Love you."

"Oh love you..too bye."

That caught me by surprise

"You love him?" Her she go I roll my eyes

"You know that.."

"But he's fucking up your life Mia. Open your eyes."

"I can't I'm strictly thinking with my heart, my gut."

"And how is that working out for you."

I groan "Oh god give me a break."

"He has no respect for you guy's relationship." she continues

"Yeah yeah...he invited you all too."

"Well I'm not going."

"Oh c'mon you're not that heartless man. She almost died. You're going. And so are the rest of us." I say

"You can't force me to go to a damm thing."

"Trey can."I smirk

She mumbles rolling her eyes "Whatever."

"Let's go get her a gift just stop by Super Walmart."
I point

"Now you buying your competition presents."

"Babygirl there is no competition." I flip my hair and we both laugh

We end up getting a little bear thing that sings and moves. I thought it was cute and we stuffed some bottles and stuff in there along with it.

We get back into the car. "We should go somewhere. Ya know a distraction. Just a girls thing."

"Alright it's not late it's 6 we can get our nails done and see a movie." I suggest

She agrees with me and we head to V.I.P. Nails.



I saw Mia's note but that didn't change how I felt about the whole situation. Either she had to go or he did. I just had to figure out how I was gonna fuck him up. Nothing too drastic just something simple but effective. He been taking my words too lightly and I can't have that.


Sorry for the late update and kinda short chapter. I have some things going on soo yeah.

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