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We all get ready to go to Ashonti's baby shower. I let Gen and Trey ride alone and I ride with Chris.

He seemed Weird and not his usal self. "What's wrong lemon head?"

He chuckles "Nothing Mrs.Potato head." I can admit after I found out he wasn't the person out to get me we have just been getting closer

"C'mon you can tell me."

"I know but I don't think I can tell you this or anybody else."

"I won't pressure you but you can tell me anything bean bag head." I smirk

"Alright macaroni head."

"What'd you get your god kid?" I say gripping the blue box with the pink ribbon that me and Gen got him

"Some black pyramid custom made clothes and some adidas." he said pretty satisfied with himself

"Oh wow." of course "I just saw your line and it's actually pretty cute."

"Ah ha well you know how I do baebee." he says popping his collar

"Yeah yeah."I roll my eyes he is too cocky

"What'd you get?"

"Uhmmm a toy and some bottles and pacifiers."

"Booorriiingg." he chimes

"I barely like the girl I only came because August asked me."

"Oooh should've known."

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"You'd do anything for August.'

"And he wouldn't for me?"

"Oh he would."

I smirk "yeah I know."

He rolls his eyes and we finally end up at August's place. There was hella cars there. I was already fucking regretting this.

"Too late to go home?" I mumble walking up the driveway

"Uhm yeah." he laughs

You know that gut feeling you have when you know something bad is about to happen or something is about to fuck up? That's what I had. But I just shook it off because maybe I was tripping.

I was walking close to Chris. I use to have social anxiety and I felt that kicking in as we walked into the living room and approached all the people.

"You good?" Chris mumbles

I was halfway behind him with my arm wrapped around his elbow and present in the other hand.

"Barely. I don't like being around all of her folks because this situation is so screwed up. Ima just have to stand here and act like I ain't fuck her baby's father?" I finally look up and see August walking over

"Speaking of the devil.."

"Wassup?" his face goes from dead to smile in 1.3 seconds causing me to smile

He hugs me tight. And I have to remind him where we are, then he daps Chris up and we go into the living room. It was a nice little setup with cute finger foods and pink and blue decor.

I followed behind Chris to the present table and placed it on the corner of the table.

Ashonti was standing there chugging a bottle of water. "Hi thanks for coming."

"No problem at all Im just glad you two are okay." I say smiling genuinely and moving my eyes from her to her stomach

"Thank you. Uh were about to play a few games then open presents so y'all can eat or something." she smiles back

"Okay and congrats." I say before walking off

"Thank you."

Me and Chris head to the food table. "Ooh the mistress is being cordial good job."

"Ooh the bad boy knows big words." I give him a little clap "It's not like I have no class."

"BESTFRIENDDD AYE!" everybody's attention turns to Ashonti's less than classy bestfriend you could tell she was from the ruff side of Atlanta but at least she didn't look like it

"Oh look no class is right on time." Me and Chris snicker

"Hey M." Bitch I almost drop my plate when I hear Corie's voice

Chris snickers hard as fuck and moves right past us.

"Uh Hi." I sit my plate down and awkwardly turn around

"I uhm just wanted to speak and say I'm sorry."

Wow! Why would Ashonti even invite him she must know that were having problems. This is low down.

"I accept your apology." I can't make much eye contact though I didn't want to cry

"Why won't you look at me?" he tries to lift my chin but I turn my head

"Can we do this another time? Please?"

He stuffs his hands in his pockets and nods "okay see you later."

I take a deep breath and look over at Chris laughing like a fool. And I couldn't help but to laugh too.

I make my way over to the table. "You're childish." I roll my eyes

"Nah that was funny." he grabs his stomach

"Omg I gotta gooo." I crossed my legs and ran to the bathroom mumbling dry things "Desert, bitches lips, bitches weaves..."

Eventually I found the bathroom, did my buisness and came out heading back the way I came but I heard voices so I stopped.

"She probably thinks I invited you to piss her off."

"No she doesn't. She's fine." It's Corie and Ashonti

"Corie. I think we should tell them it's unfair to keep a secret like this."

"We aren't keeping a secret for now were just friends remember," the way he said friends made it seem fabricated "I just don't think it would make any difference in anyone's life."

"OH really now? How do you think your girlfriend would feel?"

"We'll never know. Let's just keep it to ourselves we all have Corie Jr to worry about."he chuckles

"Boy you got me fucked up if you think Im naming my kid that." she says laughing along

"What the f-" I catch myself DAMN DAMN

"You heard that?"

I tiptoe back to the bathroom. And damn near have a mental break down.

"OH GOD!" I whisper scream "WHAT KINDA FUCKERY IS THIS?!"


After the game she started opening presents. She unwrapped the one from her grandma it was her old teddy bear which kinda made her emotion but soon enough she got it together.

She picked up a box with the same wrapping paper as mine. Except a black bow. "From Mia."
she looks at me and smiles.

Bitch."Wait my bow was pink that can't be mine."

"Well it says your name."

"Her bow was pink and it had hers and Genesis name on it." Chris says

"Sure did." Gen says

"Okay well lets just see." she says lifting the top she drops it and picks up what's inside

Then drop it back in the box like it's hot lava and she burts into tears and August wraps his arms around her. They exchange a few mumbles "Thank you all for coming everyone but it's time to go." the box was laying in front of my feet so I picked it up. It was a small version of her car and a pregnant dead woman inside and the words "watch your back" where written on the side of the dark green Mercedes.

I threw it down and Chris wrapped his arm around my waist and led me out.



Alright thoughts on the secret convo? Who made the warning mesage? And who was in the wrong the night August kissed Mia?

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