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The way August says baby is so lordddd. 😍😩

We all left the hospital and got into Augusts car. Because I drove Aug here and Ashonti said her bestfriend dropped her off. So we all had to ride in the car together. I was driving, August was in the passenger side, and Ashonti was in the back. HA.

I was driving and August was bugging. "Mia the light is yellow."

"I can see." I growl

I did slow down but by the time I was already under the light it was red. "THAT WAS RED!"


"I know I'm just fucking witcha'." He laughs and I roll my eyes

"Fuck you." I mumble


Then I hear Ashonti do the fakest cough ever.

I smirk I wanted to get under her skin a little.

"Whenever you feel like it." Of course I was joking

he raises his eyebrows, smirking "I'm holding you to your word?"

"I'm right here. Yall are not alone."

"We know." Me and August say at the same time and we both laugh

"You can let me out right here." She points out the window to the sidewalk

"Girl hush." August says

"No. Because YOU WANNA BE ALL CAKED UP WITH HER AND SHIT AND YOU NEVER TREAT ME LIKE THAT!" she screamed and burst out in tears

"Oh lord jesus take the wheel." I mumble

"What the fuck Ashonti? Where the hell is this even coming from?" He shrugs

"No. Just let me out. JUST LET ME OUT OF THE FUCKING CAR!" She started screaming again

"Boo. Ima' need you to bring that down three more notches. I am trying to drive. And I'm most definetly not about to let your hormonal, pregnant ass stand on the side of the road." I say as calm as possible

"So what are you trying to say? You want to fight? You want to fight me? Well pull the fuck over and let's go!"

I laugh at the dumb escaping her lips. "I'm not fighting you. August get your baby's-" I had to catch myself because she ain't even that "Girlfriend."

"Ashonti sweetheart you need to calm down." He tries to say in a soothing voice

We ended up in front of August's place. Thank God and Ashonti stormed out as soon as I parked.

Me and August laugh as we watched her waddle to the door.

"Thank you M. For everything.. really." He looks into my eyes

"I gotchu' it's nothing." I smile

He leans forward kissing me and I kiss back.

I guess that's what were doing now.

He grabs the handle getting ready to go.

"Wait I actually need to talk to you..." I say slowly

"What's up?" He turned back around

I looked down since I couldn't face him.

"The night of the baby shower I overheard Ashonti and Corie talking... About the baby."
"What where they saying?" His eyebrows knit together

"Well Corie was saying things like you need to tell everybody what I am to you. And stuff about naming the kid Corie Jr. I know I'm a little late but I don't know for sure and I didn't want to make any false accusations. But I also don't want her to you know just be using you for shit."

He looks down. "Thanks for telling me M." I could tell it hurt him

I put my hand on his leg and rubbed his knee "August...I'm so sorry. I know how much you wanted this. I just don't want you to get hurt."

"I know. I know. I'm okay." He kisses my cheek and gets out of the car

I watch him get to the door, then I park his car, get in mine and head to Gen/Trey's house to spill the tea.


I don't know how to feel to be honest. I know as soon as the kid is born I want a blood test.

But for now Ashonti can go stay with her bestfriend.

I walk in and she's sitting on the couch on her phone.

"You need to go." I say almost in a mumble

"What?" She says still with her eyes glued to the phone

"You need ta' go." I say putting some boom in my voice

"Why? What's going on?" She looks up confused

"When where you going to tell me?" I asked pacing

"Tell you what?" She stands up

"That I'm not really the father?"

Her jaw drops and she can't say anything.

"Corie Jr.? Fucking really? If he can't have Mia, he wants you." I was feeling alot of hate fa' that nigga right about now

"What? August it's not what it seems. I swear." She tries to grab my arms but I snatch away

"Go pack your shit Ashonti. A Uber will be here in 15 minutes so you betta' hurry up."

"August can we just fucking talk about this?" She pleads

"What? About how you tried to leech offa' me ? Use me? Or how about how you lied to me? Nah. I don't have shit to say to you." I turn my nose and she goes upstairs

Alright kind of short but I know some people have been waiting for this moment and what happens afterwards. I still haven't dropped that bomb yet though. I'm waiting for the perf time.

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