The dance with death

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The Rebirth

By Adam Watt

Copyright ©2016 Adam Watt


13:22 hours

Mountain Home Air Force Base, Idaho

General Bradley McKnight began to pour himself, his favorite alcoholic beverage - a Malt Whiskey. He had heard rumors of an emergency briefing, and whenever there's an emergency briefing there's trouble. Being a General for five years now, he knew that when there's trouble, there's also paperwork and headaches involved. He just prayed that it wasn't something involving Russian nukes, or ISIL terrorism or a combination thereof. Lieutenant Jason Nedley, with his crisp uniform and his standard military haircut, approaches and salutes. "General McNight, sir! I have been asked to alert you to an emergency briefing at 22:00 hours. There will be a lot of other base commanders in attendance too."

General McNight gave his thanks to the man, and with a salute, the two parted ways. In just over nine hours the emergency briefing would start. "Great." General McNight said to himself. With that disturbing news, he decided to pour himself another shot of malt whiskey, as he thought, "If this is a get-together with other base commander's then this must be pretty bad. Thank God for this liquid courage." He looked up to his late wife Deborah and tipped his shot glass and said, "Cheers Deborah. Wish me luck because Heaven knows I'll need it."

22:00 hours

Emergency Briefing

There had been an atmosphere in the room like a dark cloud hovering over the gathering. Everyone here knew that there'd been something big going on and everyone was getting antsy.

General Peter Davids began, "Thank you all once again for coming. At ten hundred hours yesterday, NASA gave a rather alarming report. There seems to be an extreme amount of extrasolar objects heading for Earth. The exact number of these objects are within 9 million to thirteen million." There had been so much shock and fear on everyone's faces that General McKnight thought that at least one person might have a heart attack. There was silence for at least three minutes until General Peter Davids pointed his stick on board, covered in pictures that various NASA satellites took from orbit.

"As you can see," The general began. "These extrasolar objects are of alien origin, meaning that these objects are alien ships." The general pointed to one of the pictures on the board that contained a massive ship that looked like some sort of and exotic stingray in the grainy photo. General McNight couldn't believe what he was hearing. There was an alien armada heading for Earth. But what could they possibly do? Humankind hasn't even left the solar system in ships of our own. These aliens had traveled potentially millions of light-years to get to Earth.

If they had hostile intentions, the battle would wound us more than them. What this general was saying was that this was an extinction level event.

"I know that this is hard to believe and to accept, but this is real, and we are in extreme danger." The General continued. "Our boys in area 51 are cooking up some tech that we can use against them. The technology came from the crashed alien ship recovered from Roswell in the 40s.

We were successful at reverse engineering the alien craft and its amazing technology. We are unable to build a duplicate of this ship because its materials are quite literally not of this world. " The general picked up an unusual looking rod with strange symbols on its sides. It had a strange glow to it, like a green light stick you could frequently see in a late night rave party. "This rod here in my hand, we found on board the Roswell ship. From what we can tell it can connect with the person's mind through the simple touch of its surface. This device is capable of things that you could only think of being in science fiction. It is capable of molecular reconstruction and has a GPS-like system. We have also found that it has a weapon system that allows it to fire energy projectiles which should be powerful enough to blow a hole through a few aliens." General McKnight looked at the rod and jokingly said, "Speaking of blowing holes through aliens, does it by any chance come with the long green blade? Because that would complete the package!"

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