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The next day, Sunday, the family got ready for church.

"Delilah!" Rebecca sighed, frustrated. "The shoe goes on your other foot, remember?"

"I'm sorry!" Delilah cried.

Mike was the only one who was completely done getting ready. He sat on the couch in the living room, waiting, when his father entered the room.

"Mike, can you go start the car? Keys are on the shelf in the garage."

"Yessir." Mike went into the garage, grabbed the keys, and started the car. Once that was done, he went outside and went around to the backyard.

Micky was out again.

"Hey," Micky greeted as Mike walked over. "Why're you all dressed up?"

"Church. Aren't you going?" Mike eyed the other boy's clothes. He was wearing torn up jeans and a blue shirt that looked like it hadn't been washed in a month.

"Nah," Micky shook his head. "Mom's not too religious."

"Oh." Mike wasn't sure how to respond. He'd never met anyone who didn't go to church before.

Micky looked over Mike's shoulder. "Say, I think your folks are waiting for you."

Mike turned to see his parents and sister who were, indeed, outside. Rebecca waved him over and he looked back at Micky.

"Gotta go," he said. He gave Micky a short wave goodbye before walking over to where his parents were waiting.

"Who was that, Mike?" Rebecca asked once he joined them.

"Micky. He's one of the new neighbors."

"Oh, lovely! Maybe we should introduce ourselves after church."

"Yeah," Mike said, looking over his shoulder at the fence. "Maybe."

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