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After the graduation ceremony had ended and most people were leaving, Mike pulled Micky to the side.

"I-I need to tell you something," Mike said.

Micky's eyes were wide with innocence. "What is it?"

"I..." Mike cleared his throat and looked down at his hands, playing with his thumbs. "I'm joining the Air Force and I have to leave in August."

He looked back up just in time to see Micky's face crumble. His lower lip trembled and he had to bite it to keep from crying. "Wh-What? You're leaving?"

"I have to," Mike sighed. Micky looked away and Mike reached forward and cupped his chin, causing Micky to look at him again. "But before I go, I'm going to make this the best summer you've ever had."


Mike nodded.

"I promise."

Just a few chapters left ;) ;) you'll be getting your two surprises soon 

(Yes I'm okay—reality is shit, therefore I write)

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