Chapter 26

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Who's ready to save Amy?


Jules's POV:

It takes us no more than fifteen minutes to come up with a plan that will deliver Amy to safe grounds. We are sitting in the living room coming up with possible consequences and loopholes to help her pass the borders without having to commit mass murder to half the black winger population in Bellum Island. We would definitely be outnumbered and even with the help of my white powers, I can never take down a pack of them. 

"We will take another road, Jules." Alex interjects. 

"Why not the usual one? There's never anybody there." I defend. 

It is quite difficult to choose a road I haven't taken before. At least, if we are being jumped and our trail is a familiar one, we would know how to react, where to flee, where to hide. Alex is insisting on changing direction under the pretense that we have to be too cautious. 

"We are always watched there. Even if we don't see them, the trees whisper." He explains thoughtfully. His blue star eyes are sunken and every few minutes he rubs the nape of his neck. 

"Where can we go without having Hayden's dogs hovering over us?" I sigh. 

"I know a place." At last, Sage offers his own solution.

Alex's eyes dart towards him, surveying him, suspicion obvious from the way he already builds a barrier to block the answer.

Shaking his head when he looks back at me, I I turn to Sage apologetically. 


Alex rolls his eyes and scoffs clenching his fists.

"There's a passage behind Hayden's mansion." 

"Are you crazy?!" Amy shouts out of nowhere after being silent throughout our entire conversation. She is distressed at the mention of Hayden.

 "Noway! We're avoiding the snake's den, not diving in it!" Alex protests, his voice rising and scaring Sage enough that he refuses to continue talking until I nod at him to carry on.

"Nobody knows about it. It's just Hayden and he does not expect anyone to use this road. Why do you think he built his mansion there?" 

"What's the point if nobody knows about it?" I ask him a bit confused. It is somehow idiotic that a part of the island has not been yet discovered with the exception of Hayden.

"The magic is weak there." Sage explains. "Very weak. There's a church built by the humans for the archangel Michael, so Hayden's black magic to hold the shield up doesn't have the same effect like the other side of the island."

Still suspicious, Alex interrupts. "How come you know about it?"

"Jules..." Suddenly the boy turns to me, silently pleading to give him a ticket out of explaining himself. I immediately understand that he read about this in Hayden's journal but nobody's supposed to know. 

"Alex, we don't have time to question him." I plead. "Amy? Do you trust him?" 

The girl answers in a heartbeat. "With my life."

"If Amy trusts him, I trust him." I announce leaving Alex stupefied. 

"Well, I don't." He fumes and storms out of the living room, into the kitchen.

I don't think twice before following him, already knowing where all this anger is coming from. 

"Alex-" I start but he interrupts me at once.

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