Chapter 4

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When Murdoch opened his eyes to the small bright room he noticed his body was unusually sore but he felt
.. different

He actually smiled after the encounter Gilles asked if he was ok to which the detective gave him a sleepy smile.

As Murdoch reached for the sheets behind him he was greeted by cold sheets. Frowning the detective realised Gilles had kept his word and left during the night. The only thing which remained from their night together was Murdoch's hat, which Gilles had stolen last time, sitting on the single chair on the room.


Two Months Later

Murdoch had managed to get back to work much to the relief of Crabtree the young constable had come to him as soon as he arrived with the case of the man with no blood. Murdoch had solved the case in half an hour. It turns out a doctor who was staying in the building was experimenting on people to cure blood disease unfortunately the machine he used malfunctioned and killed the man.

Murdoch's relationship with Julia had improved but Murdoch no longer yearned for her he longer wished to be with her however what wad he to do? There would be questions among he peers why all of a sudden had Murdoch given up on Julia.

No he would continue seeing Julia and try to carry on with his life. Unfortunately Julia mentioned Gilles from time to time giving the detective pause for thought of their special night.

The man hunt fir Gilles continued but Murdoch knew he would never be captured and Murdoch was forever grateful he wouldn't be.

As the months past the weather had turned frosty he loved Christmas time it was his favourite holiday as Murdoch looked up at his apartment as he finished his work day he noticed his lights were on Frowning he debated calling the station but he decided to go up stairs instead.

As Murdoch opened his apartment door he was shocked to find the one person sitting in the room he never thought he'd see again.

Gilles sat on his chair holding his leg which was drenched in blood

"Hello detective, fancy seeing you again"

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