Chapter 15

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Life almost seemed to surreal as Murdoch's eyes adjusted to the brightness of the room. The distant sound of seagulls and Gilles deep breathing always made him smile. Lifting his hand he caressed the soft back of the criminal ashe slept peacefully.

Eight blissful months had come and gone and Murdoch no longer worried for Gilles as he was sure the Toronto constabulary as well as all the other police had stopped looked for the presumed dead man.

As quietly as possible not to disturb Gilles. He moved from the warm, comfortable bed and made his way down the halls and elaborate stairs towards the kitchen. The few servants they had quickly smiled and handed him his breakfast knowing he would want to eat with Mina on the patio over looking the ocean.

"Good morning brother dearest" Mina gave him a smile as she sat with her feet propped against the chair. Tea in hand while reading the paper

"Good morning Mina, I hope you've kept yourself out of trouble" Giving her a teasing smile while laughing as she pouted

"Unfortunately, I'm beginning to feel restless, and you? Are you bored? I know that mind of yours needs to run now you've had no cases for so long"

It was true, of course being with Gilles had its fair share of trouble. Like two months ago when an old enemy of Gilles found them it had been a brutal fight which had of course left the attempted murderer dead in the library as Gilles had snapped the mans neck. But Murdoch missed solving cases, even feeling frustrated if he couldn't connect the clues together.

"Well brother I have a case for you" handing the newspaper to him she tapped the bottom of the page "a man in New York was found dead inside the museum of art. His body parts were ripped from his body and then placed all over the museum. The police however can't find his eyes and tongue"

Interesting. He jumped slightly when he felt soft lips touch his cheek "good morning handsome, Mina your looking lovely as per usual" Mina in return gave him a wink causing James to chuckle and sit beside Murdoch "anything interesting in the paper?"

As Murdoch began to describe the case he quickly stopped when he caught Gilles giving him alook before Sighing and rubbing his forehead "James" he sighed causing the criminal to chuckle

"Well it's good to see you still find me interesting, sorry but the rotten peice of a human being knew too much and he had to go"

"And his eyes and tongue?" Mina questioned

"I'm sure once they open him up they'll find them" with an evil glint

"So that's what you were doing last week, and why you were meeting that man getting rid of the body"

Leaning over james whispered "don't worry your pretty little head about it" before kissing him

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