Chapter 27

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"Whaa???" Mabel and dipper stared at the two a bit dumbstruck and a bit weirded out. "Hold up. Ultimate power??" Mabel's jaw fell.

"Wait. You mean--- you're the gate way to bill ruling all reality and existence. I mean--- what the what?!" Dipper freaked out.

"It is true. I, on the other hand. Was created so that i can spread destruction and chaos to the world." Will stated.

"So--- so--- wait. (y/n)'s destined to destroy the rift?!" Dipper freaked out.

"Yes. I am. Bill figured that in the future. That person (not mentioning stanford) would build a portal for a gate way for bill to break out of the nightmare realm and rule the mortal world. But if that one person found out his real plans. That person would dismantle the portal. So he created us." (y/n) spoke.

"So if (y/n)'s the gate way then why is will created to destroy?" Mabel asked.

"i hold a power that is very dark and powerful and i can do anything with it. That's why I'm a weapon for bill to cause destruction and chaos. Once bill gains his physical form. He'll take my powers and I grow weak and my power will not be as powerful as (y/n)'s or bill's."

"So if (y/n) or bill destroys the rift. Then you won't have your demonic powers?" Dipper bitted his lip.

"I still have them. But they're weak. Not enough for me to heal myself. That's why i ran away after i found out that i was being used." Will spoke.

Dipper rubbed his temples. "Okay. So (y/n)'s bill's daughter, a demon and a gate way for bill to rule all reality and existence and will's bill's son, a demon and a weapon?!" Mabel freaked out.

"Yep. That's the truth." (y/n) stated in discomfort.

Dipper sighed in frustration. "We have to stop him."

(Y/n) frowned."Stop him? No. It's impossible to stop bill. Me and my brother already tried that. But bill got everything planned. He knows what we're doing now. He's always known even though that idea hadn't popped up in your minds yet or that you haven't been borned yet."

"But there has to be someway." Mabel said with concern.

"Please tell me that there a way to fix this." Dipper said.

"There is a way to fix this." will spoke.

"Yey!" He cheered. Then he stopped. "Wait. Are you totally being honest with me or are you just sayin' that because i told you to do?"

"I'm just sayin' it because you told me to."

Dipper facepalmed. "Let's stick to the positive side. (y/n). Is there a chance where we can fix this?"

"Are you crazy? No. Well except if you keep the rift in a safe place. Plus i know where the rift is. Plus the hypnothism is still inside my mind and a hundred-percent chance that bill can still control me."

"We need help from grunkle ford."

Dipper was about to head to the door but will stopped him by forcefully grabbing his wrist by will flicking his hand forward.

Dipper was dragged to the bed. Will flicked his finger down as dipper was forced to be plopped down on the bed sitting by magic. "No. We need to keep this a secret." (Y/n) stated.

"Then how are we going to remove this hypnothism from your mind? Grunkle ford can help you." Dipper said.

"No. This remains a secret." (y/n) said. "I'm sorry (y/n). But i'm not gonna let you suffer." Dipper stood up then ran to the door.

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