Chapter 35

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Sami's mother had advised him to cherish Radia and love her and stay with her. She told him it was better for them to stay together even if they sometimes argued or got on each other's nerves. Being together was the most important thing. Sami was certain his mother was saying this from her own experience. That was what extinguished Sami's anger towards Radia after the Ali incident.

As for his sister, he wanted to do anything to please her. But he knew Manahil was wrong in her harsh judgements. He stopped himself from saying anything to her directly but he decided to tune out her criticisms of his wife. He didn't want to hear anything bad about her, nor did he want anyone to put any ridiculous doubts in his mind.

Nonetheless, this was the first time Sami was worried. He worried about losing Radia. He knew it was a stupid thought. How would he lose Radia over anything so small? But his was scared of his sister ruining something between them and if Sami was honest with himself, he was even scared of Radia finding someone better. But these thoughts were usually buried deep down where they couldn't harm them. Or so he thought.

It was two weeks after Eid and things were normal. Sami learnt to deal with his doubts buy doing something nice for Radia every time a negative thought began to plague him. He had given up playing football with his friends a couple of times in order to stay home and spend some time with Radia.

One evening, Sami sat in front of the TV cuddling with Radia watching A League of Their Own. Sami's chin was resting on Radia's head as she was messaging her friends on her phone.

"Sami?" She asked.

"Yeah?" Sami replied.

"Ziya just messaged me asking if things between you and Ali are okay," Radia said and Sami cringed hearing Ali's name coming from Radia's mouth.

"Things are as fine as I want them to be," he responded.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Why do you care?"

"Because Ziya asked."

"I thought you didn't get on well with her."

"I never said that! I said I get on well with her the least out of her, Hina, Zayna and Hannah because she's really quiet. But she's a really nice girl and she's one of my friends."

"Good to know," Sami said, hoping to avoid continuing the conversation. But Radia wasn't finished yet.

"So you're not talking to Ali?"

"Stop saying his name please." At this, Radia sat up from her place and faced Sami.

"What the heck's your problem?" Radia said, frowning at Sami in disapproval.

"There's no problem. I just don't want to talk about him right now."

"Why? Because he thanked me about one piece of advice I gave him? Big deal. My bosses have thanked me for doing presentations or doing the minutes in a meeting, are you going to get mad at them?" Radia asked and Sami sighed.

"Why does this matter to you?" Sami asked.

"Because you're being really silly. This sort of behaviour's not normal. Being a little jealous and protective is cute, I expect and even desire that. But this, what you're doing, is just wrong. You're making an issue out of nothing."

"No, you're making an issue out of nothing," Sami responded. "We were totally fine before that text. Why does it matter to you how I am with my friends?"

"Because this whole thing is so stupid. Why are you ruining a friendship over nothing?"

"Why do you care about my friendships?" Now, Sami was beginning to get mad. He wanted this conversation to be over. But Radia wasn't showing any signs of letting it go.

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