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Radia had her eyes closed as she sat on a picnic blanket and leaned against a tree trunk. She felt a comforting shadow over her as Sami decided to join her.

"If you're tired already, you're getting old," Radia said.

"I'm not tired and I'm not old. I thought I'd just give you some company while the boys carry on playing."

"Mummy!" One of the kids screamed and Radia opened her eyes. Her youngest son ran up to her. "Ball," he cried. "I want ball! They no give it."

"Ahsan, Saif, let your brother play with the ball."

"But we're playing football and he just picks it up and runs around with it," Ahsan complained.

"Sami, when you were playing with them, they were okay," Radia hinted. Sami sighed. "Unless you're getting old, of course."

"I'll play with them if you play with them. Unless you're getting old."

"I'm not old!"

"You can't do your Riise Rocket anymore, can you?"

"It was Radia Rocket, actually. Haytham, up you get. Your mummy and daddy are about to have a match." Radia got up from her seat, as did Sami. He was already trying to control his laughter as Radia's competitiveness began to take over. "Haytham, you can be in my team," Radia said, picking up her three-year-old son and taking him to the corner of the goal.

"Mum, are you really playing?" Ahsan asked.

"Yes, I'm really playing."

"But mum, we're in public," Ahsan said, embarrassed.

"Oh please, you're not even ten yet. Stop acting like a teenager."

"Ahsan's in my team," Sami announced. That left Saif who looked between his parents. He ran to Sami and hugged his legs.

"I'm sorry but I'm going to be in mummy's team," he said, before running to Radia. Radia smiled triumphantly.

"I feel betrayed. Anyways, Ahsan, give me the ball." When Sami received the ball, he announced, "Our goal, your goal, two bounces." He threw the ball into the air and they waited for the ball to bounce twice. Sami quickly kicked the ball to Ahsan and Radia told Saif to chase him. Ahsan tried to pass the ball to Sami but Radia managed to get possession of it. She booted the ball into the goal.

"And the Radia Rocket lives on!" Radia said, throwing Haytham into the air and then hugging Saif. She grinned at Sami and Ahsan. Sami went over to Ahsan to whisper an idea into his ear.

"Go stand in the middle of the pitch and I'll pass the ball to you. Then, I'll go to the other end of the pitch and you pass it to me and I'll score. Make sure you outrun your mum, okay?" Ahsan nodded and gave Sami the ball.

They carried out their plan but as soon as Sami got the ball, Radia was chasing him. He hadn't been able to shoot before Radia pushed him and took the ball.

"Foul!" Sami said. Radia giggled as she took the ball and began to run towards the goal again. Then she felt herself being lifted up into the air and she gasped. "Ahsan, take the ball and shoot!" Ahsan did as he was told and scored. "Yay!" Sami shouted, putting Radia down again.

"That's cheating!" Radia shouted. Haytham ran towards them squealing, thinking he had to celebrate the goal. Sami bent to pick him up but he crashed into him, making Sami land on his back.

"Ah, my back's gone," Sami complained.

"Don't be overdramatic and get up."

"Get up," Haytham repeated.

"Yeah, listen to Haytham."

Sami got up and they played for a little longer. Sami noticed that the time for Asr was approaching.

"Come on guys, let's pack up. We have to get home and clean up. Your grandma's coming tomorrow," Sami said, walking towards the picnic area. The kids cheered, hearing their grandma was coming to visit.

It had been almost a decade since Sami's mother had moved away. She seemed to have settled into life in the Emirates very well. There was still a distance between Sami and his father but he treated Sami's mother well and Sami was grateful for that. What Sami was most grateful for was that his mother was able to visit enough that the kids knew and loved her.

A day before she came, the whole family would get together and clean the house. They all had their chores. After cleaning their rooms, Haytham had to put his toys away in their right places, Saif had to wipe down the tables, Ahsan had to dust the sofas and fluff the cushions. Radia and Sami did the rest.

On most days, Radia took care of the home. She hadn't worked since Ahsan was born and she didn't want to. She preferred spending her time with the little ones. She spent a lot of her days visiting her parents with Haytham while Ahsan and Saif were in school. Sadia and Madia were married now. She even had a niece, Sadia's daughter. Nadia was now set to marry while Hadia, though older than Nadia, followed in Madia's footsteps and was set to get herself a degree. Zaki turned out as handsome as Radia predicted he would, though he had the same acne problems as Radia. It didn't sway his self-esteem at all though.

Sami was now quite successful in his field of being an Educational Psychologist. It made him a better father too. At first, Radia considered herself the better parent, being able to handle a newborn with ease. But as the kids grew, it was Sami who was able to be their friend, relate to them and discipline them.

Radia was still close to Zayna and Hannah and occasionally, the three met up. If they had their kids together, they would hold their heads as their kids went wild. Sometimes, Hina joined them. However, Radia barely spoke to Ziya but she knew from Sami that she and Ali were happy.

Sami didn't want to interfere with Ali's life too much but he knew that Ali may have been going through some issues. Or rather, he had gone through some issues which made him distant from Sami again. The only close friend Sami had left was Muhammad. But he was okay with that as he no longer sought acceptance from friends. Rather he put his trust in Allah and thanked him for giving him a family which made him feel so fulfilled.

Manahil and Faisal were content with their one child, Amina, who they doted over. Amina was spoilt with love, yet, she remained the sweetest girl Radia knew.

Sometimes Radia wished she had a daughter too. But when she looked on at her husband and three little boys, she concluded she wouldn't have it any other way. And though Radia always thought Sami would make a good father to daughters, she saw how good he was for their sons. How he was a role model to them and they were all eager to be like him.

After over a decade of marriage, Radia and Sami had changed immensely. They had turned into best friends more than anything. Their personalities and way of life seemed to have moulded. Their habit of reading Qur'an together was never quite broken. Sami had now learnt Arabic and was able to translate the Qur'an for himself, though he still liked to hear Radia translating it for him.

Sami and Radia were at the point where they could read each other's expressions and tones too well, which worked for and against them. Nonetheless, they were content and at peace with their life overall. And that feeling of contentment is the true happiness of this world.


Authors Note (last one):

That's the official end of Sami and Radia's story :'( 

I just want to take a moment to say I love you all so much! Jazak'Allah khayr/thank you for reading and all your support. It honestly is my motivation to keep me writing. 

However, I won't be writing any more books yet. I hope to come back to writing and I have a lot of story ideas but I'm afraid I'm too busy at the moment. But I'll still be around, in'sha'Allah. Maybe not reading and writing but you know... Checking things. 

I'll miss this book and I'll miss all of you. Especially those of you who comment often, I read all the comments!

So I guess... Asalamu'alaykum! Goodbye!

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