Chapter 38

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They didn't speak about their situation the next day. Rather, things were better between them for a while. In the following couple of weeks, there weren't many arguments and Sami felt as if things were beginning to smooth out a little. But what he was ignoring was the fact that both of them could feel there was something between them that had to be addressed.

As usual, Sami rushed home after work one evening to see Radia wasn't there. He phoned to see if she was late from work as she usually reached home before him. She didn't answer, rather she just sent him a text saying she was with her friend.

Sami felt rejected and slowly began to feel frustrated. Why didn't she just answer his call? Why wasn't she at home? He texted to ask when she'd come home and Radia replied that she was leaving soon. So Sami waited.

With each minute passing by, Sami's frustration grew. He tried to distract himself with a book but he couldn't help glancing at the clock every few moments. Slowly, an hour went by and no sign of Radia. Sami phoned her again and Radia didn't answer, again.

By the time Radia got home, half an hour after Sami tried to phone her, Sami was in a foul mood.

"Asalamu'alaykum!" Radia said, coming inside and dropping her bag next to the door.

"Wa'alaykumusalaam," Sami muttered.

"It's been such a long and hectic day. Hannah called right after I left work and she was crying so much. Ryan broke up with her and for Hannah, that's like a divorce. They'd been together for a while now."

"Hmm," Sami replied.

"Anyways, I'm starving," Radia said, taking her hijab off while walking towards the kitchen. "I'm reheating yesterday's leftovers for myself. Do you want the same or shall I cook you something different?"

"I'm not hungry," Sami responded. Finally, Radia sensed something was wrong. She came out of the kitchen and went towards the living room where Sami was sulking.

"What? What's wrong?"

"Why didn't you answer my phone calls?"

"My phone's on silent and I decided not to use it because my battery was really low. Which reminds me, I need to charge my phone."

"Why did you take so long anyway?"

"I told you, Hannah was heartbroken. I went to comfort her."

"Why did you have to go? Did Zayna go?"

"No, Zayna had to go home because she lives with her in-laws and has more responsibilities than me. I thought I could go because I have a lovely understanding husband," Radia said and it softened Sami's heart a little. He got up and faced Radia.

"I like you to be home when I come home," he said, moving a little hair from Radia's face.

"I'm always home when you come home. Today was just an exception."

"I know, but it was annoying when you wouldn't answer your phone. I was getting so bored."

"Oh come on, Sami. It's just one day. My battery was low so I didn't answer your call." Radia's tone expressed concern which confused Sami.

"Okay, fine. Whatever." Sami was about to walk away when Radia stopped him.

"Sami, come and sit with me for a moment," She said as she sat down. Sami sat next to her and Radia took a deep breath before saying what she wanted to say. "We really need to talk about that issue we wanted to talk about some time back."

"I thought we were over that."

"I don't think we are. Look, I'm just going to be honest here. It's been on my mind since our last argument and I've done some research and I've even spoken to your mum. Now, I'm no expert but according to my very limited research, I've come to a conclusion. The only reason I was able to find out about this is because you claimed I have Avoidant Attachment Disorder. So there's another attachment disorder called Ambivalent Attachment Disorder," Radia began to explain.

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