Chapter 36

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Sami's panic attack was the result of many factors which Sami wasn't ready to tell Radia about. He felt pushed over the edge. He was trying so hard to please his mother, Manahil and Radia. Balancing it all out was proving difficult. Being insulted and then told that his father had been betraying their mother all these years after all was too much for Sami in that moment.

There was all of that on top of how things were changing between him and Radia. Sometimes it felt like she was slipping from his fingers. It was like she was avoiding him. Sometimes when he'd talk to her, she'd sigh in annoyance. Sami didn't know what he was doing wrong. He tried in many different ways to prove how much he loved her. He had taken her out on several dates in the past month and bought her a ton of presents but there were still moments that felt like Radia didn't want to be with him.

Sami noted that Radia sometimes acted like she wanted to get rid of him. She told him to go and play football, hang around with his friends or shoved him into the living room to entertain himself. Was she getting bored of him? Did she not like his presence anymore? Was there something in him that just repelled people? He shook his head at the last thought and buried that thought down along with thoughts of losing Radia to a better man.

Even though Sami's worries were growing day by day, there were some days that gave him hope that things would be fine.

Radia's family planned to celebrate the end of Sadia's A Levels along with the acceptance of her application to her desired university, the completion of Zaki's year 2 SATs, and the amazing results of Madia's GCSEs. Radia's family were having a get-together with a few close neighbours and extended family. All of Sami's issues and personal matters were put aside for the day.

As Radia's parents' house was too small to fit all the guests in, they had hired the hall of the local school for the afternoon. They spent all morning cooking and getting ready. Currently, Radia's mum was at home with Hadia and Zaki while the rest of the family, including Sami, were getting the hall ready.

"Is this why you're quiet? Because you're really clever?" Sami asked Madia while they moved the chairs around. Madia had passed with four A*, four As and one B. Madia just shrugged in response. Sami heard a shout and looked towards his left. There were a few rolls of paper to put on the tables instead of dealing with the hassle of tablecloths. The paper rolls had ended and they were left with two cardboard rolls which Radia and Nadia pointed towards each other.

"En garde!" Radia shouted, swinging it around. Soon, there was a sword fight going on with these cardboard rolls and Sami put down the chair he was holding to watch the entertainment. "I'm going to swing it under you so jump. Jump jump jump!" Radia said, swinging the roll under Nadia as she jumped.

"My turn now, you jump," Nadia said, swinging the roll too quickly and hitting Radia's ankle.

"That hurt you little... Ahh!" Radia growled and Nadia dropped her roll and began to run while Radia chased her.

"Save me, brother!" Nadia said, running behind Sami. Sami caught Radia and took the cardboard roll away from her and whacked it lightly on her head.

"Pick on someone your own size," Sami said.

"Fine." Radia took back the cardboard roll and yelled, "Sadia!" She pointed the cardboard roll towards Sadia. "I was told to pick on someone my own size."

"You're on," Sadia responded, picking up the roll that Nadia had dropped. Sami laughed watching this crazy family. They were interrupted when Uncle Irfan instructed them that guests were on their way.

"Who is it?" Radia asked.

"Hafeez and family," he said.

"That's fine then. Uncle Hafeez is worse than us," Radia replied, continuing with her playing.

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