Chapter 6 | D rank!

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3rd person pov

Naruto,_____,Sasuke, and Sakura successfully completed another d rank mission but then Naruto started protesting that we needed a real mission that's not task or cleaning even though he was always happy to help.
kakashi sighed as Naruto continued his complaining then said.
"Fine but we must ask the hokage first."

"Yea! I'm pumped! Believe it!" Naruto yells cheerfully. You giggles at his cheerfulness and Sasuke and Sakura were also excited to see what they get.
"Alright let's go to the homages office and report our latest mission." Kakashi stated
"Hai!" You, Naruto,and Sakura said in sync as Sasuke let out a little 'hn'.

As you guys went to the hokage Naruto begged to get a real mission he finally agreed and gave them a c rank mission.

"Alright children the mission I gave you will be a simple escort to the land of the waves alright?" The hokage said

"Yea!" ___ and Naruto yelled

"You may go" the hokage told us

Time skip.
Your pov

We were waiting for kakashi sensei for our mission.
"Where is he!!!" I yelled "ahhhhhhhhh."
"Would you shut up."Sasuke said with an irk mark.
"Gomen.." I said said sadly. Sasuke then looked in your face and felt guilty.
"It's ok.." He said as he pat your head looking away blushing. I blushed as well.

It's been a minute and his hand still hasn't left your head. It was just sitting there.
'What should I do. He must have for got to take his hand off my head. Should I say something or..' My thoughts were interrupted by naruto.

"Yo Sasuke are you going to keep your hand on her head forever!"naruto spat clearly irritated.
Sasuke then moved his hand off your head blushing.

Kakashi sensei then came a few minute later.


I didn't finish the chapter because I didn't want to make you guys wait any long so here's a sucky chapter but the Sasuke fangirls might enjoy it idk well bye~💕

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