Chapter 9 | Heartbeat

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; "I am not me anymore".

^Audio next to picture ^


It was not easy for everyone to move on from your death. some people would say that you didnt deserve it and that they should kill the akatsuki already, but most of them knew that that would not be an easy task. they would most likely lose their lives if they had tried.

after awhile you just became known as the kind girl who was gone too soon. Your death had hit sasuke the most, he would go to your grave every moring before training and after on his way home. he blames himself for your death and for not being able to protect you from his own brother, but his hatred had only grown.


naruto was not in his right mind aswell. One day he went to the place where you were killed and would wish he had been there instead of sasuke. your dry blood was still all around the grass. he looked around imaging the pain you had gone through before you died. tears started to stream down his blank face. he lost his bestfriend and companion and he couldnt handle that. 

he started to punch the grass on the ground and punched the trees around him until his hands were bloody. After he had let it all out, he layed in the grass looking at ther stars thinking about your (e/c) eyes, (s/c) skin and beautiful hair. One thing was for sure in his mind, he would keep his promise that he always believed he would achieve. "_____, i promise i will be strong and become the hokage. i will find the akatsuki and kill them for what they have done." even though he was smiling at the sky, his eyes were full of tears and naruto was hurting on the inside.

1 AM

It started storming late into the night and every ninja and citizen were in there homes sleeping and safe from the storm. a dark figure approached your grave and stood starting to dig down to your casket. After a while of digging a clank could be heard as your casket is hit with the shovel. Once they open you casket you were laying there looking peaceful and still. They picked you up gently and fled the scene of the graveyard soon after they put the dirt back into the ground.

Hours later

They soon arrived at a location deep in the ground but looked like a decent home. They laid your body down onto a bed and began to touch something in your neck. They used a jutsu to take out a needle which is invisible to the eye and could only be removed by them. They checked your pulse and soon your heartbeat could be heard ever so slightly.

Life was beginning to come to your body again, Your skin regaining its color, and blood flowing through your veins. They had healed all of your previous wounds and detached arm although it would never be the same.

You began to regain consciousness and you eyes fluttered open. You were horrified by the sight of Itachi in front of you, Who you thought had killed you. "What the hell." You began to panic and tried to get up and run, but soon collapsed because you barely had just come back to life.

Itachi had been watching over you as you slept and made no expression as you panicked. He simply watched as you struggled. All you wanted to do at the moment was to see your friends faces again and wondering if they were okay. "Bastard what did you do to me!" You screamed.

"What I had to" he replied with a blank stare. You were starting to get really pissed off. Even though you were glad to be alive you knew this wasn't natural at all and that you should be dead. 'You felt empty.' All you remember from death was emptiness and nightmares, but not knowing that Itachi did it on purpose.

"Itachi, what do you want from me".

He simply looked at you as you lied on the floor. Strangely he put his hand out and helped you back into bed. You hesitated at first but soon gave in being tired and still weak. "Can I go home dammit if your not going to say anything ?!" You were growing impatient by the second.

"____ I will make you stronger and have you fight Sasuke one day". You look at him surprised.

"And what does that have to do with anything! Why do I fit in this picture?" You bombarded him with millions of questions.

"Sasuke will only truly become strong once he kills the one he loves the most. If you appear to be on my side he will surely feel hatred and kill you once I put it in his mind". 

"No Sasuke wouldn't do that, I know he wouldn't. I know he wouldn't let his emotions control him like that!"

Itachi only had a strong silent face.
"Sasuke didn't keep your promise _______. He left the village soon after you died and fought with your dear friend Naruto. He seeks vengeance, but he is still weak".

Tears started falling from your eyes. Why couldn't  I have been strong enough? How could I leave them, my best friends. Itachi kept on filling your mind with thousands of thoughts saying it's your fault and you don't deserve your friends and family, trapping you in a genjustu.

"Enough! Please! Stop!" You were screaming and grasping you head in pain for what seemed like hours to you, but a few minutes to Itachi. Once he released you immediately fell on the pillow behind you and began crying uncontrollably.

"This will continue every day until you agree with this plan, for Sasuke". He laid a cloak on the bed, the akasuki cloak to be exact. You hated it so much but this could be your chance to see them again. You were desperate to hug Naruto, Sasuke and laugh together again, knowing that it could possibly never happen.

As Itachi left the room you looked down at your hands. 'I will get stronger, even if I have to go along with this stupid plan'. You planned on gaining their trust and someday reuniting with Sasuke and Naruto, even if they don't know your alive yet.

You smiled to yourself, determined to see you friends, and the man you called father, Kakashi.

"Please wait for me, I will see you all again".

heyyyy! So I put this chapter together because you all have be asking for your RESURRECTION. So here it is (sorry for putting it out late!) . PLEASE GIVE ME IDEAS FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER. I was really at a tough block with this one, but hopefully you liked this as a transition for the next stage of the story. It's currently 3am so I am half dead writing this lmao. It's when I have my ideas lol.

*thank you all for over 50k reads, it means the world to me and gives me inspiration to keep on writing this story! Love you ❤️

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