Just Some Fickle Dream

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The ground hums with the beats, energy coursing through our bodies, lifting our souls. I spot Sean's ginger buzzcut, and as we draw closer, I find him against the wall, glancing down at his phone, smoking a cigarette. My hand is linked with Fletcher's, but as we approach, I let it go. Fletcher flashes me a concerned glare but I ignore it. I hate that I have to do this. Just for now, I hope you understand.

"Hey," Sean exclaims, dropping his cigarette on the ground and stamping on it. He kicks off the wall and grips my arm firmly. Sean turns his gaze on Fletcher and raises an eyebrow.

"It's okay if I bring a plus one, yeah?"

I grin shyly.

He hesitates but then nods slowly. I was spooked thinking this'd be a very formal occasion and we'd be turned away at the door, but Sean is sporting a varsity jacket and ripped jeans.

"Should be fine. Pete's not really counting anyway. Hey, I was like, sure you were gonna pussy out."

I shrug. "I'm feeling really fucking like, over the moon today. Had an, aha, interesting development."

"Oh yeah? Better tell me all about it inside, bruv."

"Mm." I trail off. Yeah, not gonna happen. "I'm pumped. From what you've told me, this party sounds pretty mental."

He gives me a knowing wink and pats Fletcher's arm before leading us over to the entrance where we wait behind a couple flashing their invite to the bouncer. Fletcher tugs at my shirt. I move closer as he mutters through clenched teeth.

"I don't know if I want to be here."

I wave away his concern. "It'll be fine."

"Clay... Why didn't you just let him know?" His neck jerks right twice and he makes a whooping noise. "He's gonna find out anyway."

I bite my tongue, wondering how to word this delicately. "I know... Just... This is new. I need..."

"Need what, Clay? You wanted to take me to this party to celebrate us. But if you don't—fucking hell—want me to ruin your image, forget it."

I take hold of his hands, gripping them between mine. "That's not true. Look." I pull him into a kiss, and I can feel Sean's eyes digging into me. When I break free from his lips, smirking at Fletcher's lost expression, I turn to Sean, keeping up that proud and defiant smirk. He looks a bit puzzled, no doubt marvelling at how fast I rebounded from Kaylee. It's more like detached the parasite from my soul and injected some sweet, sweet Fletcher goodness into my veins.

Fuck, didn't mean to make that sound like a drug thing. 

Fletcher's fingers link between mine and we hover behind Sean, waiting patiently as he chats with the bouncer, turning on the charm. I use this opportunity to apologise.

"I'm sorry. I was a coward. And you're right. I shouldn't have tried to hide it. This is gonna be our future. Fuck the haters."

"Fuck the haters," he muses, rubbing his nose against mine in a butterfly kiss. I feel a rush of adrenaline course through my body. I was still trapped in this bizarre alternate reality, where Fletcher and I were actually a thing. I don't know if I'd believe it was real even tomorrow. Will I wake up only to discover this is just some fickle dream?

Fletcher hovers his lips dangerously close to my ear, and his breath sends tingles across my tongue and down my spine.

"There's still time, we could go back to your place and..." His eyes flash suggestively, seductively.

"We will. I promise." God, is that a promise I intend to keep. "But, like, Fletcher... I mean, we're already here. Might as well stay for a bit, yeah?"

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