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KATHERINE PIERCE STRUTTED HER WAY TOWARDS THE SMALL, COZY LOOKING HOUSE that laid in the outskirts of New York City, a look of determination on her face as her curls bounced with every step she took. She was on a mission, and that mission was a part of the plan she had for when she returned back to the small town of Mystic Falls, Virginia. She wanted to go out with a big bang, Katherine Pierce style. The person she needed would just simply spice things up even more, especially with her doppelganger.

Her heels clicked on the rigidly old wooden porch, a look of displease on her face before she scanned her surroundings. She lifted her hand, forming it into a fist before knocking onto the ugly colored yellow door that stood insight. Katherine listened intently, tilting her head to the side as soft footsteps and a calm heartbeat engulfed her ears. The heavy scent of lilacs invaded her nostrils as she waited impatiently outside the door. Her time was precious and limited. She couldn't stay for too long, for if she did, someone would come running to get her.

The sound of the door opening caught the vampire's attention, her lips forming into a smirk when green forest eyes connected with her doe eyes. She listened as the witch's heartbeat spiked, accelerating faster and faster with each passing second the witch stood gawking at her. Katherine couldn't help to roll her eyes, crossing her arms over chest, amusement taking over when she watched the witch flinch at the action.

    "Hello, Elora." Katherine smirked. The witch took several breaths, a lame attempt to calm herself down, before speaking.

    "K-Katherine." The witch stuttered out, watching the vampire before her in fear. Katherine raised her eyebrow and motioned towards the door. Getting the message, the witch fearfully opened the door and quietly invited the vampire in. Katherine smirked as she strutted past the witch, shoulders brushing against each other as the vampire walked in with her head held high. The witch quickly shut the door and locked it before rushing over to the vampire who stood in the living room, a look of distaste on her face as she surveyed the small home. The witch cleared her throat, her arms over her stomach as she brought the cardigan close to her body.

    "What is it now? Our family doesn't owe you any fav-" Katherine held her hand up, causing the witch to stop and look at the vampire before her with anxiousness. Katherine didn't say anything, simply walked around the house and glanced at all the picture frames along with all the vases that were neatly organized. Her eyes drifted over towards the bookshelf in the corner of the small house by the old grey loaf seat. Katherine furrowed her eyebrows as her feet instantly lead her towards the bookshelf. Her fingers touched the spines of the books, before stopping at one book specifically. Katherine turned to look over her shoulder, glancing at the young naïve witch before taking out the book. A smirk erupted on her lips when she noticed the old tethered book. She pulled the book out completely before turning around to face the witch, throwing down the old grimoire book down in front of her on the coffee table.

    "I need a spell and you're gonna do it." Katherine stated. The witch began to shake her head, opening her mouth to deny any request whatsoever done by the vampire. "Your family, your line of witches, are nothing but ungrateful. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be alive. Your little family heritage, would be forgotten. Non-existent. So do as I ask or it won't end pretty." The witch stood still, her body going rigid before nodding her head. She slowly approached the coffee table, her eyes going to glance at Katherine as she opened the grimoire. Elora began to flip the pages of the grimoire, stopping and jumping in fright when Katherine smacked her hand on a certain page. Elora's eyes began to widen, her head shaking in denial.

    "Katherine, I can't do this. There are certain rules when it comes to binging people back from the dead-"

    "Well break them!" Katherine sneered. The vampire was quickly losing her patience. Elora had been her first choice, knowing very well that the poor fragile thing would give in. She was too naïve. But she needed the person. Without them, her plans of terrorizing her doppelgänger and the Salvatore brothers would be completely ruined. She couldn't have that, and frankly, this time, she didn't have a plan B.

    "I could die!" The young witch cried out. Katherine rolled her eyes. "This is too much power, you can't mess with the dead." Katherine leaned down to Elora's eye level, the veins under her eyes protruding from under her eyes. Katherine slowly leaned in, her mouth going up to the witch's ear as she began to whisper. The witch's eyes widen in horror, and Katherine smirked, knowing that once again she had gotten once she wanted. She leaned back, giving the sniffling witch a look. Elora squeezed her eye shut before she stood up and rushed around to gather the needed supplies for the spell. Once everything had been set up, Katherine handed over something that belonged to the certain person she needed, giving Elora a nod for her to start.

    Katherine watched as Elora began to chant the spell in Latin, the small breezes running through her hair as the candles began to flicker, the amber glow becoming small one minute before fully igniting the next. She watched with anticipation as Elora's chant began to grow louder and more repetitive. The lights in the small house were flickering along with the candles, the lightbulbs breaking and scattering everywhere. The picture frames that hung up on the walls began to fall with every shake the house gave, breaking upon impact. Katherine watched as Elora's skin began become a sickly pale, as if she was the one being sucked by death. And suddenly, the photograph that Katherine had handed over caught in flames and Elora dropped to the floor, everything ceasing to a stop.

    Katherine looked around, her eyes briefly glancing over to the now dead witch on the floor before stepping over her body. She stayed silent, hearing small groans of pain coming from the small kitchen. Katherine continued to walk further, her eyes setting on a very alive Juliana Gilbert. A smirk formed on her face. She had succeeded once again.

    Juliana groaned upon hitting the tile floored, her head throbbing as she felt a wave of dizziness run over her. She glanced up upon feeling another presence and once she did, all she could see was red. Rage filled her every nerve in her body as she quickly stood up, charging towards her. As if expecting it, Katherine sped forward and pushed Juliana's body against the wall, flashing her face as she held the teenage girl by the neck. Juliana didn't flinch, barely feeling any pain or fear whatsoever as she stared at the bitch in front of her.

    "You got the wrong doppelgänger, sweetheart."

authors note; this is shit and I apologize for the OOC

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