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"SO WHAT YOU'RE SAYING IS THAT THE BITCH OF MY SISTER IS TECHNICALLY A CARBON COPY of you?" Juliana questioned, leaning back into her seat as her eyes studied the doppelganger in front of her. Her voice held a flat tone, almost as if she were bored and unimpressed with all the details and explanations she was being given by Katherine. She looked impassive, as if everything Katherine was saying wasn't exactly new. This surprised Katherine and she couldn't help but study the girl in front of her, taking in every detail of her face and the way she acted. She seemed like a vampire with their humanity turned off. Her eyes were lifeless, a haunting brown color that were similar, yet different from Katherine's. Maybe this was a side effect from coming back from the dead, Elora had warned her about it, but Katherine didn't care. She seemed to be enjoying the lifeless Juliana that sat before her. The lifeless and careless personality suited her.

    "Except I'm the cute one." Juliana scoffed at that, rolling her eyes before reaching out to grab the mug that sat in front of her. They had been sitting in the kitchen of the small house that Juliana was summoned in, going over the very vague plan of Katherine's and spilling secrets with each other. Juliana knew about Katherine being a vampire, being very impassive about it as well as the dead body of the witch Elora that still laid in the living room, Juliana being able to see from the corner of her eye from where she sat.

    Katherine watched the girl take slows slips from her mug, her eyes briefly glancing over to Katherine's before looking away. Katherine leaned her head to the side, her eyes never leaving Juliana's figure. Juliana, having noticed Katherine's piercing stare, turned to her with a raised eyebrow. "What?"

    "We're gonna have so much fun together." With that, the two girls smirked at one another. Katherine couldn't help but be proud of herself. She had chosen the greatest asset to bring hell to the town of Mystic Falls, especially when the certain asset had a huge hatred towards her own flesh & blood. She knew everything was going to turn out just the way she wanted.


    "Ow. This dress hurts." Elena complained, staring at herself in the mirror as she clasped the necklace around her neck. Her hair had been curled into ringlets, the front of her hair clipped back with red flowers. The corset hugged her body tightly, the gown of her emerald dress feeling too puffy for her liking. It was Founder's Day in the town of Mystic Falls, a day were all the founding families were celebrated once a year. It was a huge holiday for the town of Mystic Falls, a holiday they took very seriously, going as far as doing parades and fireworks. Although, this year was different for Elena. She no longer had her mother or her father with her, and her sister wasn't there to pull her around. All she had was Jeremy and her aunt Jenna left, but that wasn't enough to fill the empty void in her heart. She needed her parents, she needed her sister, especially now. This year, Elena was one of the Miss Mystic Falls, a pageant that her mother had wanted her and Juliana to join ever since they were kids. She felt a pang of guilt hit her when she thought about Juliana not being by her side for this moment. She knew how much she talked about it and yet, she wasn't here. It also made Elena feel more relieved, though. She would be the one getting the attention now. She would be the one to turn heads. Not Juliana. And she liked it that way.

    Elena arrived to Mystic Falls High School, her hands lifting up the sides of her dress as she trudged through the grass of the school, looking around for her friends. The place was hectic, lots of people doing final preparations for their float, the cheerleaders practicing their routine one last time, and others were making sure their costume was good to go. Elena continued to look around, continuing to trudge through the grass before her eyes landed on the Salvatore brothers who stood a few feet away from her. Elena smiled, her head lowering slightly as she bowed, her hands still on her dress as she did so. The Salvatore brothers looked star struck as they looked at Elena. It was like a feeling of nostalgic ran through them as they continued to stare at the younger Gilbert twin.  The curls, the dress, she looked exactly like Katherine had back in the 1800's. But they both knew better, she wasn't Katherine and Katherine would never be Elena.

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