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"I like you better like this." Damon's voice engulfed Elena's ears as she walked into the Mystic Grill. She had been dead set on searching for Jeremy, trying to get him to talk her, although she had been thrown off all day by Juliana's figure. She had seen fair glimpses of her dead sister in the past, most of them occurring every time she stepped into the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. This had been the first time she had seen Juliana in public, no longer being on the other side of the glassed mirror. "The period look, it...didn't suit you."

    "Is that an insult?" Elena questioned, furrowing her eyebrows and slightly annoyed by being disturbed by Damon, although she welcomed the distraction he provided from Juliana.

    "Actually, Elena, it is a compliment of the highest order." Damon stated, causing the brunette girl in front of him to scoff and look in the other direction.

    "Look, I know Stefan is worried about our friendship." Elena began, her eyes going back to lock with Damon's icy blue eyes.

    "Did he mention something to you, too?" Damon questioned.

    "No. Did he mention something to you?" Elena fired back.

    "No." Damon quickly answered. "Nothing worth repeating."

    "So, I think you should stop with the flirty little comments and that eye thing that you do." Elena continued. She couldn't lie though, she loved the attention she was getting. Today had been an amazing day for her. It was finally her. No Juliana. Just her. And she loved it that way.

    "What eye thing?" Damon questioned, moving his gaze up and down, a smirk forming on his lips as Elena sent him a look of displeasure. "Heh."

    "Don't make me regret being your friend." Her eyes drifted away from Damon's and onto her younger brothers, who sat at a table by himself whilst eating. Her eyes traveled back to Damon's, seeing as he nodded in response before leaving the vampire to himself as she walked over to her younger brother, standing aside next to him. "I don't believe that we can't fix this. I lied. I was wrong. But you're my brother, Jer, and I love you. And I have to fix it. So, just tell me. What can I do?"

    "You can bring her back and you can go to hell, Elena." Jeremy answered after a few seconds of silence before pushing back and standing up from his seat, his shoulder brushing against Elena as he walked past her. Elena closed her eyes, letting out a sigh in frustration. She didn't know how she was supposed to get him to forgive him, but she would do whatever it took. She needed her little brother. But he didn't need her, and that made her frustrated. She wanted what Juliana and Jeremy had, she wanted to be there for her brother now that her older sister was gone, but Jeremy was making it impossible for her. Elena knew that she will never be half the person Juliana was, and the fact that she couldn't be like her made her rage for her sister grow even more.

    Damon watched Jeremy walk past him, his eyes narrowing before following the boy outside. "I have so many emotions, but I don't have any way to express them. Being a teenager is so hard." Damon mocked as he followed Jeremy through the crowd of people.

    "You dick." Jeremy responded, not turning around as he continued to walk through the crowd.

    "You do not talk to me like that. I'm not your sister." Damon said, picking up his pace faster, his hand latching onto Jeremy's arm to turn him around to face him. "And from now on, don't talk to your sister that way, either."

    "So, what, you're gonna kill me just 'cause I hurt Elena's feelings?" Jeremy questioned. He was getting angry, he didn't know why the vampire was being so hostile to him because he was hurting Elena's feelings. If anything, it was ridiculous and he had no business whatsoever when it came towards his nonexistent relationship with his sister. Damon didn't know half of the things that were written in Elena's journal. He probably didn't even know about his sister Juliana, knowing how Elena acted as if the girl had never once existed in her life and she was just a figment of imagination.

"Cut her some slack."

"She erased my memories." Jeremy retorted.

"No, I did." Damon corrected. "She was protecting you." That angered Jeremy even more. Not only had Elena erased the vampire and Vicki memories, but she also went as far as erasing Juliana's memories from his mind.

"It wasn't her call to make." Jeremy responded, turning his body as he began to walk away before Damon gripped his arm, pulling his body to prevent Jeremy from leaving. "Let go of me before I cause a scene."

"You'll be unconscious before you even got a word out."

"Let him go." Stefan demanded at Damon, stepping in. Damon let Jeremy go and Stefan turned to face Jeremy. "You all right? What my brother is trying to say is don't blame Elena for this. Damon turned Vicki. I killed her." But Elena killed Juliana. Jeremy thought. "She was a threat to you, and she was a threat to your sister. I'm sorry that it happened. I wish that it hadn't."

"Shouldn't have made me forget." Jeremy replied before turning to walk away from the Salvatore brothers.


Juliana walked up the steps of her house, lips pursed as she stared blankly at the door. She knew Katherine was already inside, having been caught by Jenna, who thought was Elena, kissing Damon out on the porch. She watched as Damon left with a stupid grin on his face, making her scoff at his idiocy. She soon walked up to the door that Katherine had left open, and she quietly slipped in, closing the door behind her, her eyes taking in the gaze of her house. She heard the distinct voice of John, causing the brunette to roll her eyes, and she heard Katherine shuffle around the kitchen as she pretended to be Elena. Juliana smirked, slowly walking around as she ran her hands through the furniture. A loud gasp was heard through the kitchen, a frightened John engulfing her ears as the sound of groaning was heard throughout the house. Katherine had sped over to Juliana, giving her a firm nod before grabbing her arm and going into hiding as Elena walked through the door, calling out Jeremy's name.

    Katherine and Juliana crept out from their hiding spot, the two of the standing behind from Elena, who was bent down helping a severely injured John, the two of them simply watching a freaked out Elena. John picked up his head, his eyes going wide when he not only noticed Katherine, but Juliana as well, standing behind Elena. He blinked his eyes several times, thinking he was hallucinating Juliana. Her lifeless eyes showed no emotion whatsoever, the glint that was once there being gone and replaced by something blank. He gasped, despite the pain he felt, he whispered towards the frantic Elena who was on the phone.

    "Behind you." John whispered.

    "What?" Elena questioned, moving the phone away from her ear.

    "Behind you!" Elena's eyes widen, gasping as she turned around frantically, only to see nothing behind her. She looked over her shoulder back to John, glancing back in front of her, grasping the bloodied knife that lay next to John. She dropped the phone beside her as she slowly stood up, her hand shaking as she walked slowly towards the living room, knife sticking out whilst she glanced over her shoulder. Noise came from behind her, causing Elena to gasp as she spun around frantically, her eyes widening when her eyes came in contact with a pair of brown lifeless one's

    "Surprise, bitch. I bet you thought you'd seen the last of me." Elena dropped the knife, her heart speeding up as she began to hyperventilate. Her eyes were wide, hands shaking as she stared at her dead sister in fear. Juliana began to chuckle, her head shaking slightly at her sister's fear. "Are you that scared of me, Elena? How pathetic." Elena blinked, swallowing hard as she noticed that her sister was no longer standing before her. Her heart seemed to stop suddenly, fear coursing through her body before she called out to her brother, running up the stairs and towards his bedroom.

authors note; when you know this is a book to bash about Elena and express how much you hate her. lol.
sorry this chapter sucked. I honestly didn't even know what I was doing, I just went with it.
comment what you think Juliana is since she was on the other side.

also who do you think her love interest will be?
first person to comment 'teddy bears' gets a
dedication in the next chapter!

also thank you so much for your comments and your votes! I honestly love them and they make me keep on going with this book that I honestly see as trash because I think it's all over the place and badly written and I will be shutting up now cause this is long
okay bye!

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