Chapter 2: Noooo!!!

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Ran has a boyfriend, Conan was depressed and he was hit by a car after school

Sera's POV

A crowd of students went to the hitted child
The car who hit him drove away (so it's a hit and run)
Ran, Sonoko and Sera saw the crowd so they went there to know what happend
Ran: Hey, What's going on here?
Student: a kid was hitted by a car
Ran: What?😱
Sera: Can we see who it is?
Student: Yes you may
The students made way to let them see who it is
Ran: CONAN-KUN!!!😨
Sonoko: I'll call an ambulance
Sera: What? The guy who hit him drove AWAY?!
Student: Yes
Sera: Do you know it's plate number?
Student: No, the car was driving fast
Sera: I'll call the police
Inspector Megure: What?! Conan-kun was hit by a car?
Sera: Yeah
Takagi and Sato: What?
Inspector Megure: We'll be there right away

Few minutes later
The police came
And Conan was already at the hospital with Ran and Sonoko
Inspector Megure: So the kid was walking down the road and got hit by the car
Witness: Yes
Inspector Megure: So the car was driving fast, down the road and didn't even notice the kid
Witness: Yes, but I think the driver knew that there was a kid on the road
Sera: So those this mean this is a murder?
Inspector Megure: It could be
Sera: So did you notice anything going on with him?
Witness: Yes, I was calling him because the car was getting closer, but he wasn't listening,
I think he's in deep thought like his overthinking
Sera: The question is who hit him? and what was he thining?

Ran's POV
At the Hospital
Ran:*sobbing*Conan-kun please wake up, please😭
Sonoko: Ran, it's gonna be ok Conan-kun will survive😊
Ran: Thanks Sonoko😌
Doctor: Umm, ma'am the patient lost alot of blood and needs blood transfer,
do you know anyone with the same blood type as him?
Ran: I have
Doctor: Ok, proceed to the room on the left immediately
Ran: Ok
After getting blood from Ran
Doctor: You can now proceed to the patient's room, it's room 607 on the 4th floor
Ran: Thank You, Sonoko let's hurry
Sonoko: Let's go

Arrived at room 607
Conan was on the bed with so many machines stuck to him
Ran: Conan-kun 😢
Sonoko: He's gonna be fine😊
Someone knocks on the door
Yukiko: Is Conan-kun doing ok?
Ran: Shinichi no okasan what are you doing here?
Yukiko: I heard from Inspector Megure that Conan-kun was hit by a car
Ran:  Yes he was, but I thought you were in America?
Yukiko: I just came to visit since last week, well I'll be going now, tell him I said hi

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