Chapter 6: Operation Save Ran

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The Next Day

Shinichi's POV
I woke up and I saw my phone ringing
Shinichi:*yawning* Hello?
Shinichi: What do you mean where's Ran?
Kogoro: She didn't come home last night, she said that she had a date with his boyfriend
Shinichi: Well I'm not her boyfriend😒
Kogoro: Then who is her boyfriend?
Shinichi: I don't know
Kogoro: Thanks for the info
End Call
Shinichi: Hmm, I wonder what happend to Ran🤔
I got up and ate breakfast and I noticed that there's something on the mailbox
I got to the mailbox and there's a letter it says

"We have your girlfriend, if you want to see her alive, DO WHAT I SAY.
  1. Bring us Sherry
  2. Go to this location with Sherry alone
  3. Don't even dare call the police
We've set up explosions in this building
Do all of these and we'll set your girlfriend free"

Shinichi:(thinking) Crap they've captured Ran I need to think of a plan😧
Ai: Hey Kudo is something wrong?
Shinichi: Yeah, the Black Organization has Ran
Ai: What? What do they want?😰
Shinichi: They want me to bring you to this location
Ai: Crap we need a plan
Shinichi: I'll go call Hattori
Phone ringing
Heiji: Hey Kudo, what's up?😏
Shinichi: They've captured Ran
Heiji: WHAT?! You mean-
Shinichi: Yes, the Black Organization has her😧
Heiji: So what's the plan?
Shinichi: We don't have a plan, yet
Heiji: I'm coming over there
Shinichi: Ok

At the location

Ran's POV
I wake up, and couldn't move my hands, then I realize that I'm tied up
What happend to me? Suddenly a man wearing a black trench coat came up to me and said:

Gin: Finally you're awake😈
Ran: Wh-who are you?
Gin: There's no need to know my name
Ran: H-how did I get here?
Gin: We kidnapped you ofcourse, oh and by the way, look it's your boyfriend
Katsuo: Ran? you're awake
Ran: What happend to you?😥
Katsuo: They've beaten me up🤕
Ran: Why? What do they want?
Katsuo: I don't know
Gin: We want Ai Haibara
Ran: But why? She's just a little girl🤔
Gin: That's because you don't know her true origins, even that brat with you weeks ago you don't even know his true origins
Ran: Wait what?😧
Gin: I don't like being the one who says secrets, so let them say it with they're own lips

Meanwhile at Professor Agasa's house

Shinichi's POV
Heiji: Hey Kudo
Kazuha: Hi Kudo-kun
Shinichi: Hey Hattori and Kazuha, come in (whispering to Heiji)Why is she here?
Heiji: She always does this wherever I go

Few Minutes Later

Shinichi: I give up😩
Heiji: What do you mean?
Shinichi: I can't think of a plan😔
Ai: Well you can't just give me to them
Shinichi: I know but we have no choice😔
Heiji: What about calling the FBI maybe they can help you
Shinichi: Good idea *phone ringing*
Jodie: Hey Cool Guy😄
Shinichi: Jodie-sensei the Black Organization has Ran
Jodie: What? They have Mouri-san
Shinichi: Yes, and they want me to bring Sherry to the location they wanted, if not they'll blow up the building😞
Jodie: By the way, where are you?
Shinichi: I'm at Professor Agasa's house
Jodie: Ok, we're going there

Few Minutes Later

Jodie: We're here
Shinichi: Hey Jodie-sensei
Jodie: Hey Cool Guy, so do you have a plan?
Shinichi: No, we don't😔
Jodie: Do you have any ideas Akai-kun?
Akai: How about you and that guy over there sneak into the building, distract whoever is guarding her, untie her, then sneak out before they come back. There you go, that's my plan
Shinichi: That's a great plan
Akai: If anything goes wrong, just signal us, we'll be hiding at the nearest building
at that location
Shinichi: Sounds good to me, Hattori get ready
Heiji: I will, Kazuha you coming?
Kazuha: Yes, I am, for Ran-chan

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