Chapter 8 Part 1: Finally found him

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Ran's POV
3 months has passed but Shinichi was still not found
Heiji looked everywhere in Tokyo but he's still not found
I'm starting to lose hope, I think he is actually dead

Sonoko: Ran don't be sad, he's alive I'm sure
Ran: How can you be sure?
Sonoko: It's just that, uuhh, I hate seeing you sad
Ran: It's ok Sonoko, I'm still trying to move on
Sonoko: You can do it Ran

Shinichi's POV
Where am I? Who am I? and What happend to me?
My head hurts a little
I started looking around
I noticed I'm inside a warehouse How long was I here
Suddenly an old man opened the warehouse door and said:

Old Man: Ahh, you're finally awake
Shinichi: How long was I here?
Old Man: You've been unconcious for 3 months now
Shinichi: I was what?
Old Man: Thats because 3 months ago


A group of men came in this warehouse and put you there
So in the morning I came in here and I saw you there unconcious
So then I treated your wounds, checked you up everyday

End of Flashback

Old Man: And hoping you would wake up, and I think you were in a coma my child
Shinichi: Oh ok, Thank you for treating my wounds and taking care of me
Old Man: Don't mention it
Shinichi: Oh yeah umm, Uncle where am I by the way?
Old Man: Oh, You're in Osaka my child, come, let's go to my house
Shinichi: Ok

Arrived at the Old Man's house

Old Man: We're here
Shinichi: What a lovely place you've got here
Old Man: Thanks, you can stay here as long as you like
Shinichi: Thank you so much

1 week later

Shinichi: Hey Uncle, I'm going out to buy some snacks
Old Man: Ok

I was off to go buy some snacks
When suddenly I feel like I've known this place before
Well I don't know, I've been in a coma for 3 months

I got to this store and bought myself some snacks
Then I stopped by at the park, sat down and watched
The birds chirping
The trees flowing in the wind
And squirrels climbing on trees

Now I'm on my way back to the Old Man's house

Heiji's POV
I've been searching for Kudo for so long that I'm thinking he's dead
No, he's alive I'm sure with this

I was walking down the road and a guy bumped into me

Heiji: Hey watch it
Shinichi: I'm sorry, for bumping into you
Heiji: Apology accepted
Shinichi: I'm going home now bye stranger
Heiji:(thinking) Heh, akward, Hey wait a minute, is that Kudo?
Shinichi:(thinking) I feel like I've seen him before
Heiji: Hey, comeback here
Shinichi: Who? Me?
Heiji: Yeah, you, we need to talk
Shinichi: Ok, what do you want to talk about?
Heiji:(thinking) Kudo, it is you, you're alive! | Well, let me ask you something, do you know who you are?
Shinichi: No actually, I don't know who I am
Heiji: Well, you're Kudo Shinichi, The Great Detective of the West and I'm Hattori Heiji, The Great Detective of the East and your best friend
Shinichi: Ok but, I still am clueless to who I am and who you are
Heiji: We're going to Tokyo tomorrow morning, meet me at the station at 8 am
Shinichi: Ok, see you

Back at the Old Man's house

Shinichi's POV
Shinichi: Uncle, I'm he-
Suddenly I saw him on the floor lying there
Shinichi: Uncle, are you alright?
Old Man: I'm fine
Shinichi: What happend to you?
Old Man: Well, you see, I'm suffering from heart cancer, my heart has a hole and I'm about to die soon
Shinichi: Well, thank you for taking care of me
for 3 months, I'll miss you
Old Man: I'll miss you too my boy
Shinichi: Oh yeah by the way, Uncle I'm going to Tokyo tomorrow
Old Man: Oh ok, have a nice trip
Shinichi: I might not be able to come back here
Old Man: It's ok, my grandson can take care of me

The Next Day

I wake up and it's 6 in the morning, well better get ready
I took a shower, ate breakfast, and I'm off

Shinichi: Bye Uncle, I'll miss you
Old Man: I'll miss you too
Shinichi: By the way what's your name?
Old Man: Takayuki Ametsuchi
Shinichi: Nice meeting, goodbye

Arrived at the station

Ok it's 7:45, I'm 15 minutes early, I'll just wait for that guy here

30 minutes later

Man, where is that guy, it's already 8:15
Oh there he is

Shinichi: Hey you're late
Heiji: Sorry, Kazuha wants to come as well
Shinichi: Who?
Kazuha: Hey Kudo-kun
Shinichi: Hey...
Heiji: Kazuha, Kudo lost his memories so, introduce yourself
Kazuha: Oh, well I'm Kazuha Toyama, I'm Heiji's childhood friend
Shinichi: Hi...
Heiji: Ok, let's get in train

They got to the train and now they're of to Tokyo
While on the train they started chatting

Kazuha: So you literally forgot everything?
Shinichi: Yes
Kazuha: Even the cases you solved and your deduction battle with Heiji?
Shinichi: Yes
Heiji: By the way where were you the past 3 months?
Kazuha: Yeah, because we've been searching for you
Shinichi: Well, this old man told me that a group of men put me in this warehouse, where the next morning he saw me there unconcious, so then he treated my wounds, and checked me everyday, in hoping I would wake up
Heiji: So who is this "old man" you speak off
Shinichi: His name is Takayuki Ametsuchi
Heiji: Oh, that guy
Shinichi: Wait you know him?
Heiji: Yeah, my mom knows him, that's because Takayuki-san and my mom are great friends, last month he did say to my mom he was taking care of someone
Shinichi: Oh ok

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