Chapter 4: He's back!!!

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No One's POV
It's been a week now, so the antidote for the APTX 4869 is done by now

Conan's POV
At the Detective Agency
Ran: Do you really have to go?😕
Conan: *nodded*
(Yukiko in disguise)
Fumiyou: Ok Conan-kun, we have to go now😊
Ran: Bye Conan-kun have a safe flight

At Kudo Residence
Conan: Mom, you can stop carrying me now😑
Yukiko: But you're a child for now😁
Conan: Fine😑
Yukiko: Yay!!!😆

The Next Day
Ai: Here's the antidote Kudo-kun, It'll only last 3 months
Conan: Ok, thanks
Conan drank the antidote, after the heart aching & beating fast and screaming
He's now back at his original body
Shinichi: Finally, I'm back
Agasa: It's good to have you back
Shinichi: It's nice to be back Professor

At the park
I saw Sonoko walking, I'll just not notice her

Sonoko's POV
Sonoko:(thinking) Hey is that Shinichi?🤔
Sonoko: HEY!!! Shinichi-kun
Shinichi just passed by and didn't notice her
Sonoko:(thinking) What a snob😒, oh I have an idea😄
I ran infront of him and took a picture and sent it to Ran
She's gonna be so suprised

Ran's POV
Phone ringing
Ran:(thinking) Oh it's an email from Sonoko, heh it's gonna be about Makoto again huh😏
I opened the email and I saw a picture of Shinichi at park, h-he's back😱
Sonoko is calling Ran
Ran: Hello?
Sonoko: Ran, Shinichi's here at the park
Ran: Really?😧
Sonoko: Yeah, really, I'm gonna go follow him
Ran: Ok, tell me where you are and I'll be there
Sonoko: Okay, I'm at the bookstore
Ran: Ok, I'll be right there

Arrived at the bookstore
Ran: Hey Sonoko
Sonoko: Oh hey Ran, he's still paying the book he bought
Ran: Ok, let's wait for him and see where he's going

A few minutes later
Ran: Where is he going?
Sonoko: I think his going to his house
Ran: Heh I think so
Shinichi is infront of the Detective Agency looking at the window
Shinichi dropped the letter at the mailbox and left
Shinichi: Heh, I kinda miss this place, thanks for the info Conan-kun😌
Ran: WHAT!!!😧
Shinichi:*looks at his back* Is someone there?😗
Ran:*Sonoko covering my mouth*😶
Shinichi: Must be my imgination, I'm going home
Ran: Thanks Sonoko😅
Sonoko: No problem, but why did you scream "What"?
Ran: Because Conan-kun told Shinichi that I have a boyfriend
Sonoko: Heh, my question is why did you tell him?
Ran: Because I trust him
Sonoko: Heh
Ran: Let's read the letter
Sonoko: Ok
Ran: It says

"Hi Ran
It's been so long since we've seen each other and I know you have a boyfriend now
thanks to Conan-kun, so don't be mad at him but just be mad at me because I told
him that if there's a point that your topic is about me he'll say it to me even if it's a
secret. I'll be leaving again if you like to know, I'm going back to London
to live with Mom and Dad. By the way I'll be leaving after 1 month and
I thought that you'll be waiting for me, but I guess not, if my deductions are right
my confession on London didn't mean anything to you or does it? I don't know.
If you're happy with him, it's fine by me. Thanks for being my best friend atleast


Sonoko: Wow, so he made that brat tell all the Shinichi conversations you'd been telling
me and that brat to Shinichi all along😒
Ran: Yeah, I guess so😕
Sonoko: Hey did his confession on London mean something to you or not?🤔
Ran: It did but-😔
Sonoko: If it did then why did you stop waiting for him?
Ran: I don't know, it's just that, uuhh nevermind😩
Sonoko: Seriously?!😒
Ran: Just forget about it
Sonoko: Fine😒 (thinking) I'm gonna set a date for these two, it'll be so funny😁

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