Chapter 9: The Tragic Event (The Murder)

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At Tropical Land

Ran's POV

Ran: Here we are, Tropical Land

Shinichi: This seems particularly familiar

Ran: *chuckles* That's because we're always hanging out here

Kazuha: Ran-chan I need you're help

Ran: Excuse me for a moment

Shinichi: Sure, we'll be right here

Ran: What is it Kazuha-chan?

Kazuha: Help me make it happen

Ran: Make what happen?

Kazuha: You know, the kiss

Ran: Oh that, but why do you want to do it so badly?

Kazuha: Remember that time I tried confessing my love for him (Episode 655 - after the ending song)

Ran: Oh yeah, I remember that

Kazuha: So, will you help me?

Ran: Sure

Heiji: Hey Kazuha and Ran-san, let's ride the Mystery Coaster

Kazuha: Ok we'll be right there

Ran: Let's go this should be fun

At The Mystery Coaster

Ran: Man, the line is so long

Kazuha: Hey, Ran-chan, have you ride this coster before?

Ran: Yeah, I was with Shinichi when I rode this coaster

Kazuha: Heh

Ran: I hope he get his memories bak

Shinichi's POV

Shinichi: This coaster...

Heiji: What about it?

Shinichi: It seems so familiar, ooww

Heiji: Hey Kudo are you ok?

Shinichi: Yeah, just a slight headache

Sudenly his heart starts aching

Shinichi: What is this feeling?

Heiji: Hey Kudo are you sure you're ok?

Shinichi: No, my heart is aching

Heiji: Crap

Ran: Hattori-kun is everything ok?

Heiji: Uhhmm, yeah everythings fine, it's just that Kudo needs to go to the restroom

Ran: Oh ok

At the restroom

Heiji's POV

Heiji: Hang in there Kudo *ringing*

Agasa: Hello?

Heiji: Hey Professor

Agasa: Oh, Hattori-kun, why did you call?

Heiji: Kudo's turning back to Conan

Shinichi: *breathing heavily, heart aching an beating fast*(thinking) What is this feeling?

Agasa: What?

Heiji: I need you to bring his clothes

Agasa: We're on it

End Call

Shinichi: AAAHHHH!!!

Heiji: (thinking)Crap he's turning back to Conan

Conan: What happend?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2016 ⏰

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