Chapter 7: Oh no!!!

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Third Person View
Shinichi, Heiji, Kazuha, and the FBI arrived at the location
The FBI goes to the building infront of the location
While Shinichi, Heiji and Kazuha sneak in the building

Shinichi's POV
Shinichi: Ok, so Kazuha you disarm the bombs,
the FBI will tell you how
Kazuha: Ok
Shinichi: While me and Heiji untie Ran and get out of here, got it?
Heiji & Kazuha: Got it
Shinichi: Let's go

Third Person View
Kazuha was off to disarm the bombs
While Shinichi and Heiji are searching for Ran

A Few Moments Later

Shinichi's POV
Shinichi: Found her, she's with someone
Heiji: (peeking) Oh that's her boyfriend
Shinichi: Oh ok, but where are the guards?🤔
Heiji: I don't know, maybe they're out somewhere
Shinichi: Enough chatting, I'll untie her now

Shinichi walks in the room

Ran: Shinichi?😦
Shinichi: Ran, it's ok we're here saving you
Ran: Please leave now😥
Shinichi: What? Why?😕
Ran: They're coming
(Shinichi finishes untieng Ran's hands and feet)
Shinichi: Who?
Ran: Them
Suddenly Katsuo unties himself and points a gun at Shinichi
Katsuo: Well, well, well, if it isn't Kudo Shinichi😈
Shinichi: Ran, run and tell Hattori that don't come coming for me ok
Ran: *nodded* (then runs away)
Katsuo: We've been expcting you😈
Shinichi: We? But there's only two of us here🤔
Katsuo: Ummm, no where not
Suddenly the Black Organization appeared out of the shadows
Shinichi: You're a member?
Katsuo: Well of course, and by the way where's Sherry?
Shinichi: I didn't bring her here😠
Katsuo: Oh...well then, knock him out😈
Suddenly Gin hits Shinichi with a pipe and he was knocked out😵

Heiji's POV
Heiji: (thinking) Damn what's taking Kudo so long😕
Kazuha: Heiji I'm done disarming the bombs, I'm going out now😗
Heiji: Ok
Ran: Hattori-kun
Heiji: Oh Ran-san, where's Kudo-kun
Ran: He's still in the room
Heiji: What? we gotta go get him😧
Ran: Don't😞
Heiji: Why?
Ran: Because he said: "Tell Hattori don't come coming for me ok"
Heiji: Ok, well let's get out of here, Kazuha's already outside
Ran: Ok

Gin's POV
Gin: Set this place on fire, we'll explode the bomb later🔥
Vodka: On it
Katsuo: Gin, the bombs have been disarmed
Gin: It's fine, they forgot that there are bombs inside this room where this brat is unconcious
Katsuo: Ok
Vodka: We're done pouring gasoline
Gin: Good, now let's go outside, set this place on fire
then tic, tic, boom💥

Gin lighted up a match and threw it on the ground
Then the building was on fire🔥

No Ones's POV
Heiji: Hey the building is on fire😦
Kazuha: Yeah, you're right
Ran: Shinichi...😥

Gin then pushed the button then
The building exploded

Kazuha: Ran-chan...
Heiji: Ms Jodie what about Kudo?😰
Jodie: Cool Guy will survive, I know it🙁
Akai: Even if he did he'll be in a coma for so long and have amnesia, he'll literally forget what happend to him😒
Heiji: I'll go call the firefighters and the police

15 minutes later

The Firefighters arrived and stopped the fire🚒
After that the police, got into the building to search for Shinichi's body
But alas the body was not found

Ran: Inspector, is he dead?😞
Inspector: I'm sorry but we couldn't find the body😔
Kazuha: So does that mean he survived?🤔
Inspector: Who knows but I wish he did
Ran: Shinichi...😣
Kazuha: Ran-chan it's okay, we know he survived
because the body was not found
Ran: I hope so😞

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