Chapter 2: 3 Years Ago, Best Friends

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Third Year of Middle School, Eighth grade. 

Me, Jenna, Tanner, and Damien in P.E class. Coach Carter is going through the attendance sheet calling all names one by one. 

" Ella Parks ! " " Present ! " " Damien Gonzales ! " " Present ! " 

" Hey, Damien " I said calling his name in a whisper level. 

" Sup " Damien said, also in a whisper level. It's just that Coach really hates it when we talk in the middle of attendance time. 

" What's up with Jenna and Tanner ? It looks like there having the greatest conversation ever " Then Damien looks at them and say's " Oh yeah, Tanner likes Jenna " Now that explains a lot. 

" Well good news for him, because Jenna likes him too " After I told him that, both of his eyebrows went up and he crossed both of his arms like he was mad at me or he wanted to choke me right there, right now.  

"What ? Why do you look so mad at me ? I'm not the one in love here " I said. 

"Why didn't you tell me, we're best friends. Also yeah, we all know that your not in love, because you just think love is a joke " He's right. 

"Well you didn't tell me about Tanner liking Jenna so we're even, also aww you're just a great best friend aren't you, you know me so well, and yeah, I think love is a joke, your heart will just break " 

" Tanner Beaslly ! " Coach is still running through the attendance sheet. 

" Present ! " Tanner yells while having his hand up. 

" That's because Tanner just told me today, and if you don't believe me read our text, and I know right I am the coolest friend you've ever met, also how would you know ? Have you been heart broken before ? " Okay, yes I have to admit, he got me there. 

" Jenna told me today too, this morning, and yes I want to see the proof. Also no I haven't, but I know that it hurts to be heart broken by someone you love or loved " I think it hurts because April kept on telling me that " if you do get a boyfriend, I have to warn you, you might get your heart broken, and sweetie it's gonna hurt ". 

" Okay, i'll show you after this period when we go to our lockers, and damn for a girl that hasn't experienced love or hasn't been broken hearted before, you know a lot about love " Then Damien froze for like thirty seconds, turned his body to face me and said " Wait did you have a relationship before ? Is that why you think love is a joke ? Is that why you know so much about love ? " Yeah that's not the first time I've heard that before. 

" Let me answer all three for you. No, no and uhm no. " 

" So there was no guy in your life that hurt you before, and if there was a guy that caused you pain tell me, because I swear ... " Then he stopped there. 

" What ? What are you gonna do about it ? Didn't you forget, my past is all in California, so it's not like you have all that money to fly to Cali and beat up those bullies in my past " Aren't I right. 

" I will be there for you when you need me, now that is what i'm going to do. Also no I didn't forget that California was the reason for your pain, how could I forget.Every single time when someone talks trash about you, you cry, then I beat them up " I like it when he tries to make me feel better about myself. Then I just look at him with both of my eyebrows up and my arms crossed. 

" Oh really " I said. 

" Well yeah, I beat them up with words " 

" Haha, well that's all you do, right ? " I asked.

 " Well yeah they're girls, it's not like I can give them a black eye, but if they were guys then they will get a black eye, but that's never gonna happen " What why ? 

" Wait, Damien what do you mean? Why will that never happen ? Boys can say shit too, you know that right ? " Sorry boys but sometimes you guys do. 

" I know that, I talked shit about Jenna once remember, and I have my reasons why it will never happen " Ugh I hate it when he says that '' i have my reasons ". Well if you have your reasons tell me. 

Finally Coach finished the attendance. 

" Y'all know what to do next, stretch, but I think you guys need to stretch good because were going to run five laps around the gym ! " Coach yelled, then he blew his loud ass whistle. 

The next thing I know I look behind me and I try to help Jenna up, but someone beet me to it, Tanner. But he failed very badly when he tried to get her up, he accidentally slipped. I enjoyed that part but the part I didn't really enjoy was when he slipped and he brought Jenna down with him and she fell in top of him then both of there lips touched. 

" Bro! You failed badly to get her up, but ay you got what you wanted " After Damien said that Jenna and Tanner just laughed and  finally got off of each other. 

" Ella ! Do you think that me and Tanner would be a great couple " Jenna said jumping up and down. 

" Yeah, totally, y'all would make a great couple, wait are y'all dating ? " I asked.

" No not yet, but keeping my hands crossed " Then she said " You know, I think Damien likes you though " Does he ? I hope not cause I really don't have feelings for him, I do but only as a friend. 

" Ew, no " I said. 

 " Okay, but just saying, and watch out " Then she left. But I looked at Damien and Tanner talking to each other with Jenna. Damien looked at me and winked so I just smiled back, then he started to walk up to me. 

" Ay, you okay ? You've been looking at me " Shit. 

" Yeah i'm fine and why did you leave ? " I asked. 

" Well because Tanner is going to ask Jenna to be her girlfriend right now " And he was right cause the next thing I see, Jenna screaming yes over and over again, then they hug. 

" Aww, ain't that cute ? " Yeah it kinda was but what I really said was " Ew, no " 

" Ay i'm done stretching you wanna jog with me ? " I think that would be a great idea, but does he really like me ? Did Jenna really tell the truth ? Nah he would tell me everything, he's my best friend so I don't think so .  

" Yeah lets go " 

Then he grabbed my arm and gave me a head start. 

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