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"Kiara, do you have a 7214?" Breckin asked as he looked deeply into my eyes with his blue eyes. His hair fell down his forehead, as if it were waves touching the shores of his eyebrows. And he was an ocean where one could go deeper, and deeper.

And that's when I remembered he was gay.

All of a sudden, the ship encountered some turbulence and it drew our conversation away from Breckin's question. Literally, I fell off of my seat and down on the floor, scraping my knee.

A guy from one of the seats nearby me lifted up his fist into the air. "Yeah! That's it! Shake what your mama gave 'ya!" He said enthusiastically.

Whether he was praising me for falling or the ship for it's turbulence, I had no clue.

In a fit of anger for how much my knee hurt after falling and flying across the room I shouted. "COULD SOMEONE BE KIND ENOUGH TO HELP ME UP?!?"

"Sorry, since there's turbulence we can't take off our seat belts." The same guy said. "Nice legs tho."

At that moment I knew I was done with everything. I didn't want to go and sit next to Breckin and let him see what a mess I was.

I decided to go to the washroom again. It is a place where I usually felt safe.

So when I went back all I know is that I see two guys holding hands, tip-toeing into the women's washroom. Not suspicious at all.

I walk into the washroom and they turned around, as if they were just caught. And who they were was no secret either, they both had name tags on their space suits. The Mexican was Lee, and the boy that had never seen the sun and never cut his hair was Joe.

"Joe, Lee, what're you doing here?" I said as if I've known them all of my life, because all I needed to know was their name. Everything else was irrelevant. Especially their birthdays.

Joe and Lee stood quietly there just looking at me, then they both blushed.

"What?!" I said. "What're you doing here?"

Lee looked at Joe like he was expecting him to say something, but Joe was hesitant, as if he was trying to find the right words. I bet they were the type of guys that would never say anything in a group chat, say something weird, then leave.

"Well..." Joe added to his great speech that was nothing but silence. "We just don't feel comfortable in places where there's a lot of people. I guess, we just never know what to say." Lee nodded in agreement to his statement. "Well, Lee, he just prefers not to talk at all." Said Joe and Lee grimaced.

Lee quickly took out his phone and started furiously looking through his picture gallery. He then showed me his phone's screen that showed a scene from some sort of superhero like anime with very muscular men in very flamboyant suits. Boy, Breckin was missing out.

In the picture it read: "I speak in the name of justice!" said the body builder cartoon super hero. Where did he get these pictures anyway??

"Okay, so Joe speaks when there's not that many people around and Lee speaks in the name of Justice."

"Well, yeah, in a way, but he just speaks in pictures." Joe added.

"Honestly, I've never met people like you before." I said, thinking that they were kinda odd. They both blushed.

Soon we were interrupted by someone entering the washroom. Angel, also entered the girl's washroom and looked surprise as he saw us. "What're you doing here?!"

"More like, what're you doing here?" Joe said back.

"I'm a girl." I said.

Angel looked nervous. "I was just uh... looking for my dad."

But he as well was interrupted since the ship once more had turbulence, and boy, it was strong . People were flying everywhere in the girl's washroom, which was basically made up of 3 guys and 1 girl, and possibly Angel's father. But by the time the ship stopped, we all fell flat on the floor.

And to my surprise, someone broke my fall.

I had landed right on top of Angel.

Face to face, we both blushed and he looked pissed.

Joe and Lee, aka Tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum, both grabbed me one on each side and helped me get up. "FINALLY SOMEONE IS KIND ENOUGH TO HELP ME GET UP." I said.

"Np." Joe said.

"What the fuck? You fell on top of me!" Angel said. "Someone help me up!"

I reached out my hand towards him and smiled. "I'm sorry. Are you alright?"

He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him.

HIRAETH: Long Gone Neverland {{Reverse Harem}}Where stories live. Discover now