Muke (cos ish me fave)

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A/N: tbh I suck booty at writing ima try me hardest blahblahblah enjoy (italics are thoughts of y'all didn't know) fair warning, it's long cos I can

Michael's POV:
I lean my head against the window of the car.
Moving? Seriously. So unnecessary.

My mum and dad are sitting in the front of the car and I'm in the back, super totally squished by bags. Why are we moving? My dad got a job offer I don't fucking know.

I like only had one friend at home so it's not like I'm going to have any here.

"Michael, wake up hun we are almost there." My mum says turning around to peek at me. I groan and sit up to look at her. My face looking absolutely done with this shit. My mother is taken aback with my sleepy glare and furrows her eyebrows.

"I know you aren't happy with this, but it'll be better for us. You'll make new friends, I promise." Her pathetic attempt to reassure me only fills me with more anxiety. My face softens and I smile slightly. "Alright mum."

My dad turns into a little dead ended road and drives to the end. Pulling into the driveway I get a look at my new home.


It's quaint and small. 4 rooms I recall from the vague description my mother gave me. Yellow fading paint on the shutters and window box, and the house itself is brown. Me being disappointed is an understatement.

I open the door of the car and step onto the gravel driveway and help to get bags out of the trunk. Carrying like every bag I could bring I hobble into the house to pick my room.

"I've already picked a room for you Mikey." My mother laughs at me. I groan in irritation. It's probably so horrid. She leads me up stairs and into the farthest room in the house. She opens the door and walks away.

"Whoa." I say quietly, my mouth agape. The room is a big rectangle with a giant window seat in the farthest wall. A large brass bed frame sits on the wall to the left by the door. My dad walks in and flings my mattress from the moving van onto the bed.

"Nice room. Good choice Mikey." My dad mutters walking out to bring in his junk. I nod and set my stuff down on the floor. Then flop on the bed, earning some loud creaks from my bed.

*time skip like a week*

It's still summer and I haven't been out much, so my mum thinks it's good for me to walk around the neighborhood. Why, I don't know. I pull on my shoes angrily and stomp out the front door phone and wallet in hand.

I'm about halfway down the street when I hear the loudest noise ever. A lawnmower. I scowl, wishing I had my headphones. Spotting the the source of the noise, I blush. A dirty blonde haired boy is pushing the mower across a lawn, absolutely drenched in sweat.

Shirtless and sweaty. Such a sexy combo. I avert my eyes as he finishes up and spots me. He shouts out at me a "hi." But I pretend I didn't hear. Speeding up my stride I hear heavy footsteps behind me.

Fuck. My. Life.

The boy reaches me and grabs my arm breathlessly. He turns me and says hey through uneven breaths. I blush and look at my feet whispering a quiet hello. Removing his sweaty hand, he wipes it off on his jeans.

"I'm Luke. Haven't seen you around here before." He states. I chuckle and look up at him. "Well I just moved in down the road." Luke nods, his hair sticking to his face.

"Well it's nice to meet you..?" He starts. "micHAEL." I interrupt. Luke chuckles and continues. "Michael, I definitely wanna be your friend."

Damn. I liked how he said my name.

I blush and looks away, "That'd be great." He smiles a sloppy tired smile. "So what are ya up to Michael..?" He nibbles his lip and I notice a small lip ring.

Hot as fuck.

"Well I've been inside all week and my mum wants me to 'see the area' so I don't know." I chuckle. Luke nods and glances at the house behind him. "I'm all done here, if you wanna come over and watch a movie or something.."

My face gains some color and I smile timidly. "You sure..?" He scoffs, "Well of course. Lemme just put the mower away." He runs off to do that and I just kinda shuffle my feet.

Just five minutes later, the boy who was still a stranger walks back and takes my hand leading me down the street. His house is like right across the street and two houses down from mine and I have a party in my mind.

Luke leads me around back and opens the door. "We never lock the back door." He murmurs. I follow him awkwardly into the house and up stairs into a large room. Luke turns on the tv and tosses me a ps4 controller.

"Pick a movie on Netflix." He walks through a door to my right and turns on a shower.

His own bathroom, cool.

Pictures of cheeky bum sex in the shower flash through my mind and I
blush tomato red. I feel my pants tighten around my penis.

Shit! What do I do OMG.

I start to panic and cross my legs quickly in attempt to conceal my throbbing boner. Luke turns the water off and walks out in a towel and starts rummaging through the dresser. I stifle a moan and look away.

"Hmm? Did ya say something?" Luke turns and sees my red face and crossed legs and his mouth opens slightly and closes. He walks over and sits next to me on the bed and uncrosses my legs, a smirk forming on his perfect lips.

He tackles me and presses me down against the bed. Luke straddles me and kisses me softly. "Same." He whispers. Reaching down with trembling hands I unbutton my pants and Luke slides them off.

He drops his towel and grinds against me causing me to moan in pleasure. "You're so hot, the sexiest thing I've ever seen," Luke moans tugging off my shirt and boxers.

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