Malum (cos its bae af)

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A/N: sup y'all! how'd ya like the last one. partial help from MikachuAF thx babe. pls comment and vote I like getting those notifications. yaas (there is a sentence in here dedicated to mrman1 thanks you little shit) THIS ONES LONG IM SORRY I COULDNT PART WITH ANY OF IT. IM SO SORRY IT SUCKS DONT THROW SQUIRRELS AY MEH

Michael's POV:
Calum. Calum. Calum. Calum.

I groan, that beautiful boy was everything to me. And at the same time, nothing. It tore me apart. Every ounce of me wanted to throw myself at him like all the other hoes at my school.

Stupid, he doesn't even know of your existence.

I sigh and peel my gaze away from the perfect boy to pick at my lunch. Taking a bite from my mashed potatoes I glance up to see Ashton bounding toward me like a hurricane. He places his tray on the table and smirks at me, dimples deepening.

"Staring at Calum again are we." He giggles. I roll my eyes and glare at my food. As lunch rolls on Ashton keeps me updated with all the drama and talks about people in our grade, and I stay silent.

His jawline and the muscles showing through his shirt. Mmmm. I definitely want a piece of that. (*wipes away tear* same)

Ashton pushes my shoulder bringing me to reality from my sexy fantasies about Calum and I.

"You gotta go to football practice today." He shakes his head about a million times and I'm like "Why the fuck do I wanna watch a bunch of teenage boys run around in big football padding."

I look away and bite my lip thinking about Calum in boxer briefs. Ashton scoffs, apparently it's not practice. It's a party. Fucking fantastic.

"There will be pizza and drinks all you gotta do is bring your hot bod and show Calum how sexy you are." Ashton raises his eyebrows and swings his hand around so his palm is up. I swear this boy wants me and Calum to be an item more than I do.

I sigh a deep tired sigh and nod. "Fine whatever. I'll go." Ashton does a little dance in his seat and the bell rings.

"Gotta Zayn." I mutter getting up and running to my locker before Ash can say anything. I grab my books and take a seat in my math class.

The day drones on slowly and terribly boring. Eventually the long school day comes to a close and I swing my backpack over my shoulder and trudge out to the football field. Taking a seat in the bleachers I stand by to watch the party from afar.

Slowly all the football players file into the field bags slung over their shoulders and questioning looks on their faces. So apparently they don't know about this little party thingy.

Ugh Ashton, I hate you.

I get up too leave when I hear someone stomping up the steps and stands in front of me.

"Uh, Ashton told me you needed a ride home.." I look up to see Calum looking puzzled and embarrassed. I stand there looking at him my mouth open and my eyes wide. Once I process what he said I growl quietly and turn my back too him.

"I don't need one." I grumble through my teeth. Turning to storm off I see his face is about a foot away from mine. "You little liar. Let's go." He grabs my bag and slings it on his shoulder and yanks my hand to get me moving. I flinch and pull my hand back. All the perfect boy does is turn around and hold out his hand.

"Let's go-o-o-o-ooooooo." He grumbles. I reach out cautiously and place my palm on his and he intertwines our fingers. My hand is all tingly and my face is red, and Calum just pulls me behind him so I can't see his face.

We reach his car and he opens the passenger door for me before sprinting to his side and hoping in the car. He buckles his seatbelt and puts the keys in ignition.

"Sorry for making things awkward back there Mikey." Calum says. Then he clears his throat and corrects himself, "I-I mean Michael." I blush lightly and nod.

He can call me whatever he wants. ^o^

"You can call me Mikey, most of my friends do." I mumble. Calum looks at me eyes wide, "Really..?!" I stare. Why would he be so surprised. I furrow my eyebrows and stare at him very confused.

"I mean. Never mind." Calum turns the key and drives out of the parking lot. I sit there silently and try not to breathe. Calum keeps fidgeting in his seat. His knuckles white on the steering wheel.

"You didn't come down and get pizza. Ash told me he invited you." Calum says turning to glance at me, "Wanna swing by a McDonalds." I raise my eyebrows.

"I don't have my wallet.." I mutter looking at my hands, he laughs and pats my knee. "You idiot, I'm gonna pay." Seeing that his hand is on my knee I wiggle in my seat. He yanks his hand away.

"Sorry..." We pull into the McDonald's and get out. I hesitate and Calum urges me to follow. Once inside, I only order a large fry. Calum gets two large fries.

Gosh I'd get that but I'd gain a thousand pounds.

Calum traps a french fry between his lips and sucks it into his mouth. I find a French fry that is longer than my hand and I sit there for like two minutes staring at it. Then Calum snatches it out of my hand.

"GOSH this is so long... like this dick." Calum opens his mouth and raises his eyebrows for a response. I giggle and look back down at my disappearing fries. He finished his shortly after mine and asks if I'm ready to leave. I nod and we get into the car.

Calum looks at me, his face looking pained. "Mikey.. I know you like me." I look out the window and furrow my eyebrows. "I catch you staring at me, and.. I-I think you are so beautiful."

I look at him amazed. No way. He couldn't. He definitely shouldn't. Calum presses one hand to the window by my face and and places the other softly on the back of my neck before pulling my face to him and kissing me. Such passion and love.

Our mouths move in perfect harmony and he puts his hand on the small of my back and presses my body to his.

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