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A/n: im dying on the inside kms sorry this ones shitty MAY BE TRIGGERING: rape abuse

Calum's POV:
I sighed after Luke hung up. He was on his way to be patched up again. His current boyfriend was always leaving marks on my precious Luke. I know he'd never like me back. But I would always be there for him.

I searched for the first aid kit I had acquired after Luke got his boyfriend. I hear a faint knock on the door and I open it to see Luke all roughed up. My breath falters as I look him over.

The sight of him caused my heart to shatter and my anger to rise. I gently wrapped  my arms around him and brought him in. Luke pulled off his hoodie wincing every once and a while. He may have been taller than me but he was a little baby.

I seat him in a chair and tug off his shirt. Luke's chest and arms where covered in bruises and cuts. He refused to meet my eyes after I cursed under my breath. I glance at his wrist to see a bruised ring around it. I drop his arm and gasp.

"Luke.. did he have you chained.." I ask whispering the last part. Luke quickly crosses his arms and mumbles a no. I know he's lying. I snatch his hand and hold it up. He cries out in pain and I instantly regret my decision.

I wanted to cry. But I had to stay strong for him. He looks dirty and unshaven. His hair was greasy and his clothes, obviously dirty. Luke's bottom lip was bust open and he couldn't open one eye. "He really did a number on you.." I say weakly. Luke nods.

"Please.. don't say anything. I don't want him to hurt you." Luke grabs my hands, "Please.." I sigh and take my hands away and continue cleaning his wounds. After that I helped him stand and walked him to the bathroom.

I set him on the side of the tub and pulled off his jeans. His knees where bruised. My hands trembling with anger turned on the water and filled the tub. Luke was exhausted. His head flopped to one side and he was just in boxers. I examine him and notice little bite marks and scratches and hickeys.

This makes me so jealous. This man didn't have the right to mark him intimately let alone forcefully. The tub was full and bubbly. I was getting ready to wake him up and leave so he could bathe himself when he grabbed my hand.

"Will you stay in here.." He looked so small and afraid. I couldn't say no. So I helped him take off his boxers and slide into the tub. I sat on the toilet trying to control myself. He was so beautiful and soft. I could hold him for hours.

"Luke..?" He gazes up at me, "tell me what happened.. now!" He flinches at my angry tone and looks away. When Luke looks back he has tears falling down his face. "I told him I didn't want too, I was sore from the previous events." He whispers.

I sit on the floor next to the tub to hear him better. "H-he didn't like that." Luke sinks farther down into the tub. "Then he.. he put the chains on my hands." I look at him filled with anger. "And made me and.. Calum..?" He looks at me.

"I screamed and screamed and it hurt so bad." He was trembling, " He hits me Calum.." Luke looks away, "but that's the only way he knows how to show love."  Now I was trembling. I stood up.

"I'll be right back Lukey." I step out of the bathroom and close the door gently before letting my anger out. I threw a punch into the wall by the bathroom door and I hear Luke squeak. I stomp down the hallway and into the kitchen.

Gripping the counter tightly I lean against it. He has no fucking right to do that to such an innocent soul. I yell and throw things before returning to the bathroom, a lot calmer. Luke looks terrified when I open the door.

"Luke, you know I'd never hurt you. Right?" I say, hurt flashing across my face. He opens his mouth and closes it with a nod. I hold up a towel and Luke struggles to stand. "H-help..?" I set the towel down and put my hands under his arms and lift him to a standing positions.

I try so hard not to look, but I end up staring. Luke blushes and covers himself under my gaze. I wrap the towel around him and open the door. "C'mon Luke." I gesture for him to go into my room.

Handing him a pair of sweats and a shirt he puts them on and pulls on his hoodie. Luke lays on the bed and looks so small and vulnerable. "Cal~ will you lay with me.." I bite my lip and crawl in bed next to him.

He pushes his back up against me and we spoon comfortably. Soon enough I hear him snoring softly. He looks so peaceful. His eye was not as swollen. Staring at the beautiful boy, I drift away eventually.

"No. Please. It hurts. Please. Take it out. I'm so sorry." I rub my eyes and realize that Luke had curled into a ball and was screaming. Shit the neighbors. What are they gonna think. I grab his shoulder and pull him toward me and wrap my arms around him.

He grabs fistfuls of my shirt and cries. I start to sing Heartbreak Girl to him. I changed the words so I sang boy, and eventually he whispers quietly, "I'm scared to leave him like you told me." He trembles and tightens his hands on my shirt, pulling himself closer. "I- I love you Calum."

He cries, tears are streaming down his face and he repeats that over and over. "I got boyfriend after boyfriend and to make you jealous and now I'm stuck. He won't let me leave I'm his little toy. He'll be looking for me to–" I cut him off by grabbing his face gently and kissing him.

"I've loved you as long as I can remember Luke.." I smile weakly and he kisses me again.

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