Now, some of you may be thinking, why not date this hunk with curly hair and beautiful green eyes? Well, there's one problem. I've heard about his reputation. He's not that great of a person. He's got a huge ego and he's been with tons of girls. Clearly, not the best. I mean, maybe deep down somewhere he's got a loving caring heart. So I mean yeah I'll give this a try. But I'm just worried about the outcome.

"Payton, come on it's time to go! We have to meet the boys at the venue!!" Louis calls out to me while pounding on my door.
"Gemma is going to be there!"
I quickly finish off my make up before I grab my backpack and hurry out the door.

"Okay I'm ready!" Louis chuckles as we walk to the car. It's early morning. I'd say about 7 am. Way too early. I usually sleep in until 12. Usually.


We walk into the venue where the rest of the boys are.
"So tell me exactly why we are here?" I question as I look around the huge open space full of seats and lights.

"Well, we just want to show you what we do. Hit it Dan!" Niall says and all of a sudden a bunch of music starts to play. Louis leads me to one of the seats. Gemma sits next to me.

"My brother is watching you." She says into my ear.

"He what?" I look up and see him staring right at me as he sings like an angel. Sparkling green eyes bore into mine. I start getting lost in his eyes when Gemma starts laughing.


"LOUIS SHUT UP!!" I scream and him and look down in embarrassment. He starts laughing along with all of the boys. Minus Harry. Harry keeps staring at me. A little smirk creeps onto his beautiful face.

"Harry likes you. I can see it in his eyes." Gemma looks from her brother to me.

"But what should I do? I mean he's beautiful but...I've never had someone look at me the way he does. We don't even know each other.." I look at her and then down to my hands.

"Come here. Let me go tell you about my brother." She takes my hand and pulls me to the way back of the arena and we sit and talk.

"There's not a lot I can tell you because he left my mother and I when he was 16. And he just got back in contact with us this year. A lot happened in the couple of years he left us. A lot. He's changed, Payton. He's not the Harry I knew. That Harry only comes out when he's with the boys alone or with me and mum."

"What happened to him?" I look at the beautiful muscular boy standing center stage singing his heart out.

"He did bad things. But when he met the boys, he stopped the bad things. I just need you to be careful. And take care of my baby brother." She kisses my cheek and then walks back to the front and goes on stage to say goodbye to the boys.

I just can't shake this feeling. Harry has this effect on me. Yeah, I've only known him a day. But he's so powerful. I'm honesty kind of intimidated by him. His strong built. His piercing green eyes. His strong jaw bone. The fact he used to fight. His muscular arms, back and shoulders. He looks like an angel. But he's dark. He's a misunderstood angel, I think.
I just wish there was a way that I could take every bad thing away from him. Anything bad that happened to him I wish I could just take away from him. Clean his plate. Help him start fresh. Help him come clean and be himself. I've seen him be goofy. I see him in videos all the time. I just don't know what to think of him.

"What are you thinking about?" A deep voice rings through my ears bringing me away from my thoughts.

"Oh-I well I was just...n-nothing." I look into his eyes and quickly look down.

"I'm taking you out tomorrow night."


"I'll pick you up at six." He smirks with a wink and walks off. What just happened?


"Do I have to go?"

"Yes! You have to! You don't exactly have a choice either, honestly."


"No buts. Just go! Have fun! Let lose! Dance, party!" He moves his hips in a weird way.

"Ew stop okay I'll go. But I won't enjoy it." I walk outside just as Harry pulls up.

He gets out of the car and opens the passenger door for me.
"T-thank you." I step inside and he slams the door shut. He jogs to the drivers side and pulls out of the driveway and starts to drive.
I don't know where we are going. But I didn't want to risk anything so I wore a pair of black jeans and a floral flowy top.

"You look beautiful." He says as we pull into the parking lot of a club.

"T-thank you.." He hops of out the car and opens my door once again. He takes my hand in his as we start to walk towards the door. As we near the door, my grip on his hands tightens. I've never been to a club before. Not while I was sober at least.

He pulls me to the dance floor.

"I didn't bring you here so we could get wasted. I want to dance with you." He pulls me close to him.


He placed a finger to my lips. "Shh. No speaking. Just dancing. Let the music guide you."

I start to feel the music as Harry leads us around the floor. This is one of those things where he may be intimidating, but he's being sweet right now. No guy has ever danced with me and held me so lightly like I could break at their touch and so firm like I'll break away if they let go. That's how I feel. I mean, yeah I'm not in the best of shape mentally. I just need to watch myself with him. He still may have that bad side to him.

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