Payton's POV

I woke up with the worst headache. I don't remember what happened last night. All I know is that I was in pain. My body ached everywhere. I looked at my arms and saw bruises. My face was tingling. I remember walking into the club with Harry. I remember dancing with him. But I don't remember leaving.. He went to get drinks..what happened?

"Hey love." Louis walks in with a cup of tea in his hands. "How are you feeling?"

"I-" I couldn't speak. What was happening to me?

Louis nods his head. "Do you remember anything from last night?" I shake my head no. "You-" he looks down before looking back up at me. "Someone tried and almost succeeded to rape you." He comes to my side and places the cup of tea on the bedside table. "You called for Harry and he came and found you. He saved you. And the guy who did it, well he won't be bothering anyone else." He takes my hand. "You're gonna be okay. I promise. I won't let anything bad happen to you." A tear rolls down my face as I hug him tight in my arms. Louis returns the gesture.

"LOUIS!!!" An angry Liam calls from downstairs.

"Oh shit" I look at Louis with a confused look. I try to open my mouth but nothing comes out. "Oh, I may have changed his shampoo from normal to bleached." He starts laughing.

"LOUIS WHERE ARE YOU?!!?" Footsteps run up the stairs. "LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON!!!"

"SHIT!" He whisper yells. "Hide me!" I point to the closet and he runs in and shuts the door.

Liam bursts through the door. "Oh shoot sorry Payton. I thought I heard Louis' voice in here." I shake my head. Does he know about what happened? I point outside to the left. "Is he in Harry's room?" I nod really fast and put a finger to my lips telling him to hush. He nods and closes my door quietly. Louis peeks his head out the closet as we here a scream.

"LIAM IM IN THE SHOWER GET OUT!!" A door is slammed shut. Liam comes racing back into my room and sees Louis' head.

"Oh shit" Louis books it out the door and slides under Liam's legs. He bolts down the stairs and I'm left with just voices from downstairs.


"Oh Hey Liam! What have you done with your hair it looks fabulous!" I start laughing as another voice joins me at my door.

"Hey Pay how are you feeling?" Niall leans against my door frame. I shrug and fiddle with my fingers. He comes to my side and looks me in the eye. "You're going to be okay. I promise. And if the promise is broken, you can hurt me. Or make me pay something. Or take away my food for a day." We both giggle at his little words. "See? You're laughing. You're going to be okay." He smiles at me. Let's get you dressed okay? And then we can head downstairs with the others. We have a special someone visiting us today!" He smiles wide and goes to my closet.

"N-Niall" I manage to make out.

"Yeah?" He turns to look at me.

"C-can y-you help m-me?" I don't know if I can even get up. Everything hurts.

"Of course I can." He picks out some sweatpants and a tee shirt and helps me sit up. He looks up at me. "You sure?" I nod. He won't hurt me. I trust Niall. He just has this trustworthy vibe. Maybe it's the blue in his eyes but he makes me feel safe. He helps me pull up a pair of panties and then my sweatpants. He unzips the hoodie and slides a sports bra over my head. He puts my Ramones tee shirt over my head and helps put my arms through.

"T-thank you." I half smile.

"Do the others know you can talk?" I shake my head. "Let's keep it that way." He winks. "Alright now hop on my princess!" He crouches down and I slowly climb onto his back. He get but firmly grips my thighs while I hold his neck.

"Giddy up pony!" I whisper yell as he trots down the stairs.


They're oh-so-special guest is supposed to be arriving soon. Harry is in the kitchen preparing some mac n cheese for everyone. I'm currently sitting on Niall's lap playing with his fingers. Louis is sitting next to us playing with my toes while Liam switches through the movie channels.

All of our movement stops as the doorbell rings. Liam gets up and opens the door.

"Hey, man what's up?!" He hugs the man who is at the door. The man walks through the door and I freeze.

I scream and run up to him. I jump into his arms and he spins me around.

"Oh my god Payton!" He cradles me in his arms.

"I missed you so much." I bury my head into his neck.

"Payton you know zayn?" Louis stands behind us.

"He's my cousin!" I squeal with happiness.

"Hey! Payton you're talking again!!" Harry comes through the door and makes eye contact with Zayn and sees the position we are in. I'm cuddled into Zayn's side.

"Zayn can we go for a walk? There's a lot we need to talk about." I take his hand and we walk out of the house.

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