We just finished dancing when Harry parted away from the close proximity. "I'm going to get us some drinks." He slowly let go of my hand and walked towards the bar. I didn't know what to do so I kind of just slowly danced myself to be the music. My hips moved to the beat of whatever song was playing. My legs and arms doing as they please. My mind however, was elsewhere.

"Ello love" a dark voice called from behind me as firm, strong hard hands griped my hips and moved them to his needs. "You've got quite the movements. Just what I need."

"W-what?" I tried to turn around in the strangers hold. His hold was too tight and I couldn't budge.  His grip getting tighter with every movement. I opened my mouth to scream as he started to pull me away but he quickly clamped his clammy hand over my mouth.

"Shut it. Don't you dare say a word!" He whispered right into my ear. I started to kick and squirm as he moved us backwards somewhere. Where's Harry?

He opened a door and pulled me out to the darkness. It was pitch black outside and I couldn't see a thing. We were in the middle of a dark alley. He pinned me up against the wall and breathes heavily into my face.

"Now, if you just don't say a word or make a sound, this will be easy." He kicked his legs between mine to seperate them. He pinned my hands to the wall with one hand. With the other, he ripped my shirt off. Tears started running down my face. Where's Harry?

He pulled my jeans down to my ankles and ripped off my panties. I was left in my bra.

"Such a good catch." He threw me to the ground and got ontop of me. "You've been a bad girl." He slapped my face multiple times. Each harder than the last. He hit me where the sun don't shine. Hard. He ripped my bra off and slapped my breasts. Harder than anything I've felt before. I've never been able to deal with difficult situations before but this was just too much. I'm scared and I don't know what to do. Harry isn't here. No one knows what's happening.

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF HER YOU PRICK!!!" A deep angry voice screams form the door of the club. I see a shadow walking towards us as the man above me slaps me hard in the face and I start to lose my focus and vision.
I hear profanities being shout and I hear a fist contact with skin. A lot. I can't see but I hear everything. Slowly, I only start to hear one voice and one voice only.

"H-Harry-" I reach my hand out towards him in attempt to get his notice.

He turns his head with the sound of his name and my voice and throws the guy to the side. He's by my side in seconds.

"Hey, hey, shh. You're gonna be okay." He takes his hoodie off and puts it over me and zips it up. He picks me up and walks out of the alley. We make it to his car in one piece.

"H-Harry-" I touch his face every so lightly with my fingertips before everything goes black.


Harrys POV

As I was walking back to where I left Payton I notice she's not there.

"Payton? Payton?" I walk around the entire club and don't see her. I open the girls bathroom door and don't see her in there either. I hear muffled noises from outside. Probably some disgusting couple fucking outside. I open the door and see my Payton sobbing on the ground with some dick on top of her.

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF HER YOU PRICK!!!" I walk briskly to the disgusting male. I take his body and slam it against the wall. A small thud is heard beside me. I punch the male until R is unconscious. Seconds later I hear a small whimper along with my girls tiny voice.

"H-Harry-" she reaches her hands out to me. I throw the male to the side and rush to her side.

"Hey, hey, shh. You're gonna be okay." I take my hoodie off and help her with te arms and zip it up all the way. I pick her delicate body up and start to walk to the car. Light fingers skim the skin on my cheek.

"H-Harry-" I look down to Payton and her head is limp in my arms.

"Shit." I lay her in the backseat of the car and quickly drive to Louis. He's gonna kill me.

"WHAT!?!" Louis screams in my face as his new sister lays on the couch. I explained everything to him.

"Louis, I had my eye on her and I turned my back for one second and she was gone! I looked everywhere for her. But when I got to her, this prick was all over her! I beat the fuck out of him though."

"Harry, life isn't about how badly you can beat someone up! It's about saving people! Yeah you saved her in time. But Harry you can't keep doing this." He scolds.

"Doing what? Saving lives?"

"No. Fighting. Beating people up! It's not good! Payton can't see that Harry. You can't ruin her." He strokes her hair and looks at me. "I can't lose her."

"Neither can I"

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