1 year later

Eva: Pay you really need to come down here. The boys are coming home soon x

Pay: I know I know! I see the tweets! But you know with everything that happens here..it's hard to get up there. x

Eva: I know babe. But you're coming up in the next month right? Cause school starts in 2 months and you have to get all settled and stuff x

Pay: yeah. I'm leaving Sunday. So I'll be up there Monday night. Pick me up from the airport ? x

Eva: of course babe! I'll see you Monday night!! xx

I log off Twitter and turn my phone off. Oh yeah. I finished senior year. I'm leaving for London Sunday. That's in a week. One week. One week to say goodbye to my mother. This should be good. Fast and simple. Just have to pack well, everything.

"Honey, I'm going to the store okay?" My mom says from downstairs. I hear her rattling with the keys.

"Okay mom! I love you! Help me pack up my bed and shit when you get home!" I run down and give her a quick kiss on the cheek and she leaves.  As I wait for her to return, I turn on the radio and blast it. "Midnight Memories" comes on. I turn it up as loud as it can go. Fuck the neighbors. I run back to my room and start packing my clothes and extra things.

It's been 2 hours since my mom left. Usually she takes 30 minutes. I turn on my phone and call her cell. She doesn't pick up on the first try so I keep calling her.
Finally after 5 calls she picks up.

"Hi mom? I was wondering what was taking you so long I really need your help packing my bed-"

"I'm sorry but Mary Jane Walters is currently in a coma at the hospital on Washington Street. Are you her daughter? We could send a cab for you to come down-"

"No no need for that. I can walk...I- t-thank you...I-....I-I'll make my way down there..." I hang up the phone and scream. She better be okay.

I run down the streets of Minneapolis to the hospital. It's about a 10 minute drive. So about. 25 minute walk. But since I'm running, 15. I run really fast. When I need to.

I burst my way through the doors running past doctors and dodging hospital beds being transported to the ER or recovery. I need to get to my mom. She needs me. I make it the area she's in and tell the receptionist my name and she leads me to her room.

There she is. Heart beating. Breathing. But she looks dead. I sit in the chair next to her bed and take her hand.

"Mom, I don't know if you can hear me, but I love you. I love you so much. I don't want to leave on Sunday now. I need to be here with you. I love you mom.Youre my best friend. You've been there for me through everything. Please don't leave yet. I can't lose you." I kiss her hand as tears start to fall down my face onto her hands.

Hours pass of tears, tests, doctors running in and out. Soon enough, visiting hours are over and I'm told to go home and get some rest. More like go home and pack. As I'm walking home I can't help but feel like I'm being watched. I quicken my pace as I reach the end of the little town and make my towards the houses. Only 5 more blocks to go. But I still can't shake this feeling.


It's Saturday. I'm leaving tomorrow at about 6 pm. My mother is still in the hospital. I see her every morning, come home for lunch, and go back after. She's awake now. Actually she woke up on Thursday. The doctors won't tell me what is wrong with her and how she ended up here in the first place. She seems to be doing better. I just hope she's okay tomorrow so I can say goodbye to her.

I walk down the eerily quiet hallway as i make my way to my mother's room.

"Woah woah woah you can't be down here" a nurse stops me halfway.

"What? Yes I can. My mother is in there. I need to see her." I try to push passed her but she won't budge.

"No. You can't be down here. You're mother isn't doing too well. Please go in the waiting room." And with that she takes my hand and leads me to the waiting room and sits me on a chair. She gives me a sympathetic look and walks away.

No family. No friends. No one to call for comfort or support. I'd usually call my mom but seeing as she is the problem..
She's not doing well. I'm leaving tomorrow. How am i supposed to say goodbye to her if I can't see her? I pull my knees up on the chair and fold my arms around them. I burry my head into my arms and cry. No nurse no doctor comes to see if I'm okay. Just me and my thoughts.
No one cares about me. Only my mom but she's not really here.

After a while I move to the floor and curl into a ball there. It's much more comfortable.

I feel like it's been hours. I look at my shitty watch and see that it's quarter to midnight. I've been sitting here for 7 hours. 7 hours of my life in a hospital plus all the hours this week, longest time I've spent by myself somewhere.

"Miss, are you okay?" I hear a deep voice call out to me. I slowly nod my head not able to speak or look at this voice. "Well you certainly don't look okay." I hear him sit down next to me on the floor. "Could you at least look at me so I can see your face?" I slowly sit up so I'm not laying down anymore. I look up to meet a pair of turquoise-gray eyes.

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