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"I just can't believe you're here" I look up to my cousin as he takes my hand while we walk down the path.

"Yeah I know it's been too long! I missed my cuddle buddy" He nudges into my side.

"Anyway, Zayn..." I sit down on a nearby bench and he follows suit. "My mum she-...she died a few weeks ago... t-that's how I met Louis. He was with his mum in the hospital and they took me in. I lost my best friend when you left for X-Factor Zayn but when my mum died..I. my whole world shattered. I didn't talk to anyone besides Niall. I mean Louis and Johanna of course, but you know.. I needed you so bad the last couple weeks Zayn.." He wipes the tears I didn't know were falling.

"I know Payton. I so wish I could have been there for you when you needed me. But I'm here now. And I'm not going to leave you. I promise that. I will not let anyone or anything hurt you anymore. You're safe as long as I'm here. Just like how it used to be." He kisses my cheek and we start our walk back to the house. "So... You and Harry huh?"

"W-what? I- no- what are you- what are you talking about" I scoff.

"I saw the look he gave us when we hugged. He doesn't know we are cousins. He thinks I'm like your boyfriend or something" We burst out laughing.

"Oh my gosh! Let's trick him! Let's make him think we are a thing!"

"Okay Okay!" He takes my hand in his interlocking his fingers. We nod to each other and walk into the door.

"Oh my gosh Zayn you are so funny!! I missed you so much babe!" When I see Harry emerge from the kitchen I lean up and kiss Zayn's cheek.

"Aw baby I missed you too"

"Dinner is ready." Harry turns around and walks back into the kitchen where the rest of the boys are.

We sit down with Louis and Harry each at an end of the table. Johanna left us for a while to go visit a relative. I'm sitting next to Zayn, Harry across from him and Niall across from me.

Harry gets the bowls of mac n cheese for each of us. Niall and myself seem to have more food than anyone else.

"I know how much you love food." Louis winks at me.

I look down at my bowl and back up to everyone. "I mean, I do" Niall high fives me.

"BEST FRIENDS!!" He winks at me and we all start laughing. Except for one curly haired boy.

The rest of dinner is spent goofing around and I may or mat not have started a food fight..


1 year later

"Louis I'm going out!" I made some friends at one of the boys' small concerts. Eleanor, Gillian, Maye, Perrie and Danielle. Eleanor is 19 and she absolutely loves dancing. She 5'8 and is really good at singing. She's got the hots for Louis. She has wavy brown hair that falls just below her shoulder and a beautiful pair of brown eyes. She is extremely beautiful.

Gillian is 6'1 and I swear she is like a giant. She has the most beautiful eyes- a mixture of blue green and hazel. She's got the perfect body for a model but she won't make a move. So I'm secretly getting her a shot for that. She has the extreme hots for a guy named Ashton in a small band. Shes drop dead gorgeous.

Maye is such a sweet heart. Everyone tells her that she looks like a bitch, but she's really not. Once you get to know her, she loves food just as much if not MORE than Niall and I combined! She's 5'6 and loads of fun. Long wavy curly blonde hair and deep brown eyes. She's a peach.

Perrie has beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes. She dyes her hair a lot but it always looks amazing. She is 5'4 just barely taller than me. I love her to death. She is honestly so trustworthy. She's also got the feels for Zayn.

Danielle is a pocket of sunshine. She is 5'9 and has the curliest brown hair. She has a little darker skin tone and has brown eyes. She is a model and is helping get Gillian a shot. Danielle has a thing with Liam and she is so happy to be part of our giant family.

I met all of them in the fan line backstage after a concert. We all clicked. And none of them were smothering the boys. These girls love me just as much as I love them. I've only ever had 2 best friends. And now I have four more.

"Okay!! Have fun!! Love You!!!!" Louis calls out from his room upstairs.

"Love you too!" I open the door and shut and lock it before I head to my best friends' car.

"Hey girls!!" I exclaim while car dancing to the song currently playing.

"Payton!!!" All four girls scream while Danielle drives us to a local club.

"So Payton, tell us about your little love with Harry?" Gillian wiggles her eyebrows.

"What? What 'love'? There's nothing."

"Mhmm." Perrie rolls her eyes.

"Tell me about Zayn, Perrie!" I attempt to change the subject.

"Don't you dare try to change the subject Payton!" Eleanor responds rather quickly. "We're serious. We just want to know how you feel about him." Eleanor takes hold of my hand.

"I- well...I like him.. A lot.. But ever since the boys' break, he's the only one no one sees. It's like he disappeared off the face of the earth." I look down and around the car avoiding eye contact.

"Oh honey, you'll see him. The boys are getting together soon to have a little party. You'll see him then!" Gillian tries to reason.

"That's 5 months away!" I exclaim throwing my head into my hands.

"Alright girls, let's have a good night tonight. No crying tonight girls!" Danielle gets the attention off of me as we pull into the parking lot of the club.

Okay well here goes nothing.

We all hop out of the car and walk to the entrance of the club. Once inside, I'm overwhelmed.
Dancing bodies, strobe lights in many colors, loud booming music blaring everywhere.
Perrie pulls us all further onto the dance floor.

We dance together for a while until I can't bear the closeness of everyone. I slowly start to make my way to the little tables at the end of the club. I grab a water from the bar and sit by myself.

Now I know what you're thinking, 'wow a girl sitting alone in a club. Not suspicious at all.' Well yeah, but my friends are in my view. And they see me. So all is good. Right?

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