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CREEKSTAR- light grey tabby tom

GOLDENEYES- beautiful golden she cat with golden eyes

YARROWLEAF- white tom

MARSHSTEP- tortoiseshell tom

QUAILLEAP- gray tabby she cat

THICKETTAIL- pale ginger tabby tom
apprentice, Hollowpaw(light brown tabby tom)

HICKORYTREE- white she cat with dark brown patches

DUSKPELT- ginger tabby tom

SHELLTAIL- light gray tom

WHITEWIND- white tom

PATCHWIND- black and white tom
apprentice, Sparrowpaw(black tom)

FERNSHADE- brown tabby she cat

POPPYWIND- dark red tom with spotted legs

IVYWING- pale grey tabby she cat
Apprentice, Ripplepaw(gray she cat)

BOULDERWAVE- black tom with gray patches

WILDHEART- big dark brown tom

HAWKLEAP- dark brown and white patched tom

BRAMBLEEAR- dark brown tabby tom
Apprentice, Troutpaw( gray tom)

VIXENWISH- red brown she cat

TURTLEFUR- tortoiseshell she cat

PINENETTLE- brown tabby she cat; mother of Swiftkit(black and white tom)

THISTLESEED- black and white she cat; mother of Dapplekit(black, white, and ginger tom)

EVENINGFUR- calico she cat

ASHTALON- dark grey tom

DAWNCLOUD- dark brown she cat with white paws

SMOKESCREEN- dark grey tom

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