¤ Poco rhymes with Loco ¤

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The cafeteria was filled with teenagers looking like starved beggers. It was the same routine as usual, the cheerleaders, conversing about the latest trend of fashion and the jocks, having a heated argument about sports. At a separate table, the nerds were occupied with assignments while having lunch. The corner was occupied by the loners who were eating by themselves. The place was energetic with teenager laughter and chitchat when Xael strolled in. He bought lunch, with a tray filled with food, he passed the queue towards his new friends.

''Hey, stop right there." A voice hit his ears.

Before he could turn around to see the owner of the voice, a body collided against him. Xael felt a cold liquid soak through the fabric of his favorite black shirt. Spinning around, he met a pair of grey eyes staring back at his green ones.

A girl about 5'6 with straight dark hair stood in front of him, with a shocked look on her face.

"My poor packet", said the girl, clutching the juice packet like it was the most fragile thing in the world.

Xael was suprised to see the girl worried about her juice packet instead worrying about ruining his shirt.

"What the hell are you doing?" He snapped at her.

The girl looked up at him with a weak smile and looked around to see that everyone in the cafeteria was watching their drama. She let out a nervous chuckle and started whistling while trying not to meet his gaze.

"Are you gonna apologize for ruining my shirt?" He demanded with a voice full of annoyance.

"Ouch, my stomach hurts; I guess I ate something weird today." She blurted, clutching her stomach and turning away from him. She then rushed away like her pants were on fire. Xael blinked, perplexed after the weird girl left while making fart noises.

He was standing there wondering what on earth had just happened when the whole cafeteria erupted with laughter. He walked towards his new classmate Logan and sat next to him.

"Who was that girl?" Xael questioned Logan about the strange girl he had just met.

"Oh thats Keegan McClellan, also known as Loco Poco". Logan answered with a smirk.

"What's Loco Poco?" Xael asked, taking a bite of his turkey sandwich.

"Loco means crazy, you know?" Logan replied, sipping on his drink.

"I know what Loco means means, but what's the deal with Poco?" Xael asked curiously.

"It's just that Poco rhymes with Loco." Logan laughed. "Anyway, what's with the 20 questions about her?"

Xael just shrugged and continued with his lunch with a mysterious smile.


"Good morning class, today a new student will be joining us. Meet Xael Walcott. Mr. Walcott please introduce yourself to the class." The history teacher, Ms. Amelia glanced at the boy who stood in front of the class.

Keegan was slumped in her chair when she looked at the boy and her eyes widened in surprise. At that moment, Xael noticed her and he too was surprised to see the same girl he met in the cafeteria; the "Loco Poco."

He came back to reality when Ms. Amelia called his name twice. "Hum. I'm Xael from Florida." He introduced himself.

"You can sit next to Keegan." Ms. Amelia said, pointing at his seat.

Girls started swooning as he walked past them to reach his seat. When Xael was about to sit, Keegan pulled out a pair of headphones and covered her ears. She started to softly drum on the table with her long fingers. Humming to herself, she tried to avoid meeting his eyes.

"Hey, can you hear me? Excuse me?" Xael said in a low voice.

Keegan ignored him as she pretended to listen to a song.

"Can you just listen to me for a second?" He asked loudly.

"Class, let's get started, and Keegan, please remove your headphones if you don't want detention. I know that you're not actually listening to any song." Ms. Amelia said with a gentle smile.

Keegan removed her headphones as fast as she could and took out her books, getting ready for the boring class.

History had always been her lifelong enemy. The lessons made her so bored that ended up falling asleep in every single lesson. Keegan tried her best in other subjects and always managed to get good results. This is except for History.

For Xael, History was one of his favorite subjects. He was the best in all subjects. In his previous school, he was an honoured student. He was enjoying the lesson, while Keegan snored softly with a bit of drool at the corner of the mouth. Xael glanced at her and and a small smile spread across his face.

The bell rang, signaling the end of class, and everyone rushed out of the class in the blink of an eye. Keegan jumped up from her seat, alarmed.

"Where's the fire? Who's dying?" She cried out.

"I'm so happy that you were concentrating so hard on the lesson." Ms. Amelia said sarcastically.

Xael bit back a chuckle as he stood up with his backpack and slung it over his shoulder.

"At least, I'm alive," Keegan mumbled, collecting her stuff. Before she was able to skip out of the classroom, Ms. Amelia called her back.

"Keegan, you have detention tomorrow after the session."

"Oh man, can I just skip it? Ms. A?" Keegan groaned.

Ms. Amelia gave a threatening look at Keegan, which made her quickly nod her head.

As she walked away from the class, someone suddenly grabbed her wrist and spun her around.

"Aah, I finally caught up with you." Xael smirked at her shocked expression.

"What's your problem, dude? Why are you stalking me?" Keegan asked, irritated.

"Hey, I'm not stalking you! Who would stalk someone like you? I just want the apology that you owe me."

"What do I have to apologize for? I don't even know you." She questioned.

"Okay. Let's introduce ourselves then. I'm Xael and you are?" He offered his hand to her.

"I don't see the purpose of introducing myself to you." Keegan answered in a bored manner.

"Will you stop being a smart-mouth for just one second." Xael sighed.

"Okay. I'm Keegan. People call me Loco Poco, which I don't mind at all. I'm a loner and I like to eat blue berry cake. It's not nice to meet you. Are you satisfied?" She said in a one breath.

Before he could answer, however, she brushed off his hand and ran away, leaving behind a very bewildered Xael.

Its my first story. I have been waiting for this moment for a long time. Thank you Anshris & Marauda98 without your support i think i haven't made it. 

Thank you for reading, and vote OR comment if you like. :)

A big thankcx to Hanee for the amazing drawing :)


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