Chapter 4:

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7:00 AM;
My alarm screams into my ears causing me to stir into Consciousness. I quickly turn it off, ensuring i don't wake Lily considering she won't take as long as me to get ready. I tiptoe into her room alongside mine to make sure she is still asleep. I trudge my way downstairs and grab something to eat and a bottle of water. My phone is quietly playing my The Tide playlist. I'm singing along whilst getting ready. I decide to do my makeup properly when we get to the hotel as we'll arrive at 10 so i have 2 hours before we will be heading for the venue. I lightly put concealer, powder and mascara on to make myself a little bit more presentable. I throw on my high-waisted skinnies, a randome Tee and my black&white flannel. After eating my breakfast and brushing my teeth, i go wake Lily up to get her ready. I enter her room and sit beside her on the bed.
"Lils, wake up, it's time to get ready, you can sleep on the train, come on" once she is finally awake, i begin getting her ready.

9:00 AM:
I order us a Taxi (uber) and grab my handbag and our suitcase - we only need one as we are only staying for a couple of days and Lily doesn't really need much - and we head towards the front garden, locking the front door behind me.

We arrive at the train station and we're sitting, and talking, to occupy time.
I find us a table to sit at on the train. Lily Sits opposite me by the window, the suitcase beside her on the chair, leaving a spare seat next to me which i don't mind. Me and Lily are just chatting away when i see 4 people walking past and taking a seat at the table next to us - 3 of them are teenagers, 2 of them are older. There are only 4 spaces vacant meaning one will have to side in the seat beside me. I ignore the though and carry on talking. Even though she is only 11, she is very talkative and will talk to almost anyone. Unlike me of course, i hate talking to strangers unless she is around, she kind of puts me at ease talking to others.
"Excuse me, do you mind if I sit here? I mean, the table is full and there is no where else?" He seems like a genuinely nice person.

Wait. He's the guy i bumped into on my way to work. I knew I recognised him from somewhere.

"Sure, no worries, but just to warn you, she is very chatty" i hope i dont seem like an idiot...
We have departured from the station and all 3 of us are talking, getting to know each other when Lily declares something that confuses me.
"You're that guy from the band who are supporting The Tide today aren't you?!"

"I am indeed, the other 2 are over there with Waddy and Joe- our managers"

"Woah, so anyway, we've been talking for agess now" it's only been like 10 minutes but oh well.
"What do you think of my sister here?"
Excuse me Lils. What?!
Let me describe this guy to you. I'm 5'7 and he is taller than me, well-styled brown hair, stunning brown eyes and he has such an amazing smile. All of his good looks match perfectly with his personality.
I'm snapped out of my thoughts when i hear him reply to her forceful question,
"Well, i think she is lovely and, in my opinion we get along great, and that's before she realised i was part of a growing band so i understand she knows the real me, i like her."
Am i non existent right now? Hello?! Did he just compliment me?!

Hold on a second. So i get on a train. An adorable guy sits directly beside me. We then talk and get along nicely. THEN he compliments me. AND he can sing AND play guitar. What more could i ask for?!

Can I Call You Mine? ; Blake RichardsonWhere stories live. Discover now