Chapter 67:

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"Lucie! Hi!" Katie shouts from in the room.

"Come in, I'm Adelaine by the way!"

"Nice to meet you Adelaine" she smiles and i gesture her to enter.

"You too, Lucie" i wonder back over and sit next to Blake.


We've been sat talking for about an hour or so now and we've really got to know Lucie. She's lovely from what i know of her. George has also taken to her very well. Looks like he's no longer alone on this holiday.

"Considering we've only got another 2 days of this holiday left and tomorrow we're having a beach day. Why don't we do something a little risky but fun? I've already got some of it set up" I say during the silence.

"What do you have in mind?" George questions.

"All of you go back to your rooms and grab a pillow each and a couple blankets" they all gormlessly look at me. "Go on then!" I laugh as they all stand up and go their seperate ways.

"What are you thinking of my love?"

"You'll find out soon"

"I hate surprises"

"But you love me so you'll wait"

"You got me" he holds his hands up in surrender.


They all come back with exactly what i asked for and i put them into bags.

The boys offer to carry the bags whilst i lead us, Katie and Lucie by my sides.

I lead them into the elevator but i don't go in myself.

"Trust me, go to the top floor"

The elevator doors close and i run down the stairs to the lobby.

I check the location of the security guards.

"Excuse me, where are the security guards?" I ask the receptionist, trying to not sound suspicious.

"They've gone to the sister hotel, they'll be a couple of hours until they're back, is their an issue or emergancy?"

"No ma'am, i just wanted to ask them a question, that's all, thankyou for your service" i politely smile and jump into the elevator to the top floor.

"Right, we need to hurry to the very end of this corridor, we only have a couple of hours" i state and lead them away.

"I don't like this Adelaine, it's putting me on edge"

"Katie, that's the fun of it. Plus you'll love it"

We ascend the stairs and i open the very last door to reveal my idea.

I turn around to see nothing but open jaws and gobsmacked expressions.

"I'm guessing you like it?"

Can I Call You Mine? ; Blake RichardsonWhere stories live. Discover now