"LENNON! LENNON! LENNON!" The crowd screamed my name, letting me know that they were ready to hear my performance.
I took a deep breath and walked out onto the stage and cheering grew louder. I looked over to see Brad smiling, and giving me a thumbs...
Today was finally Saturday, which meant that I would go to the record store, and search for another antique record for my collection.
My parents would give me a weekly allowance for doing chores, and I had money that I saved from working at Tropical Smoothie.
I walked outside, shoved twenty dollars in my pockets, grabbed my skateboard and made my way downtown to The Record Shop. It contained thousands of older records. I was collecting The Beatles at the moment. I needed one more, The Black Album. Yes, The Black Album, not The White.
As I skated down the street I looked to my right and saw a guy playing guitar on the street with his guitar case propped opened.
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He played beautifully, so I tipped him the twenty dollars that I had in my pocket.
I no longer had the money to buy an album, but I decided I still wanted to go and look.
My fingers carefully traced each individual album, my eyes scanned the names, and I couldn't find it. Well, Atleast I was broke and they didn't have it.
I turned around and accidentally bumped into someone, "Oh I'm sorry." I immediately apologized. I looked up to see a tall guy with brown hair, blue eyes and an innocent smile.
"It's perfectly fine." He said softly with a smile. I continued to walk away from the handsome stranger, he stepped in front of my path, "Uh, you threw this into my guitar case. I wanted to return it to you."
I shook my head and smiled, "No, I gave it to you for a reason. You're talented."
"I can't except this." He put the twenty dollars in my hand, "Thank you though." He gave me that sweet smile again.
I shoved the money back into my pocket and admired him. He continued to smile, and I noticed I was being weird; so I walked past him and straight out the door.
As I started to skate I heard him calling from behind me, "Hey wait!"
I stopped my board and turned around, "Yeah?"
He walked up to me, he was so freaking tall, "What's your name?"
"Why should I tell you?" I asked the very attractive stranger.
His chuckle lightened the mood, "Because I gave you back your money, and you're cute."
A smile spread across my face, and my cheeks started to burn, "Lennon."
"Nice to meet you." He shook my hand, "I'm Bradly, but you can call me Brad." He started to smirk.
"You look like a Brad." I smiled.
"Why do you say that?" He furrowed his brows in confusion.
I sighed, "The brown hair, blue eyes, and cute smirk gave it away."
"Well my name isn't really Brad." He leaned against the wall.
I shrugged, "Well you can call yourself whatever you want. But your name is Brad." I smirked and got back on my board.
"How can I get ahold of you?" He asked as I started skate away.
I stopped my board again, "Call me." I took a pen out of my purse and wrote on his arm. I looked up to see him smiling. "Bye Brad." I said as I skated off.
He waved, and soon he was gone. I went home excited, I met someone hot and didn't act like a fool. I just felt so comfortable around him. I hope he's not a freaking serial killer, my thoughts took over, and I didn't like it; so I shoved in my earbuds and blasted My Chemical Romance.
My eyes grew heavy and dragged me into a nap. I wonder if I'll ever see him again. Hopefully soon.
Hey guys,
I hope you all like it so far! Please vote and comment!!! I love you all! Thanks guys!!