=Not A Big Deal=

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The days that passed turned into weeks, the weeks turned into a few months, and I thought that I knew Brad Robertson better than he knew himself. But I was wrong...

***3 Hours Earlier***

"You never told me why you wanted to hear me sing." I brought up randomly as I stared at my guitar. I played and sang for him a multitude of times, but never brought it up till now.

He smirked as looked around the room, "I thought you forgot about that." He let out a nervous chuckle and rubbed the back of his neck, "Okay, I guess I can tell you."

I smiled knowing my brain was great for remembering.

"Its not a big deal, but I'm a spotter for musicians under the Recording Label for '3000 Miles'." He said as he leaned up against my wall like it was normal to say.

As my jaw dropped, my brain was still trying to grasp the fact that he was a spotter for '3000 Miles', and he helped produce famous celebrities. 3000 Miles is the biggest recording label in history! "Not a big deal?!" I stood up, "You have a dream job! You help millions of people accomplish their dreams!"

He smiled and started to blush, "Actually, I haven't produced anyone yet. I started maybe two or three months before I met you."

"Why are you sitting here with me then? You should go help someone!" I pointed out that he had his job for a reason.

"I am." He stood up.

"What?" I asked.

He smirked, "Come with me." We walked out to his car, and he drove further into the city. We soon came across this tall building, it said '3000 Miles' on the front of the building.

"What're we doing here?" I asked as we both got out of the car.

He smiled and held my hand as we walked inside. This place was beautiful! Wooden floors, shiny white walls, just really classy.

We went to the fifth floor on the elevator. As the doors opened, it seemed like a hang out center, and there were people everywhere. "Bradley!" Everyone shouted his name as he walked in.

I looked over to see him smiling. "Hey guys! Where's Colton?" He asked to the two guys standing in front of us.

The One with blonde hair shrugged his shoulders, and the red head pointed to a closed off room, "He's in his office."

"Thanks Corbyn and James." Brad smiled and we walked to the room that Corbyn pointed to.

We entered the office, and there was a young man standing in the room. He looked to be in his mid twenties. "What the hell is it?!" The man yelled over his shoulder.

"Sorry to bother you Mr. Fair," Brad apologized to angry man.

He turned around and smiled at Bradley, "I'm sorry Brad, I didn't know it was you."

"It's okay Mr. Fair." He smiled.

Mr. Fair rolled his eyes, "That's my fathers name, you know you can call me Colton."

"Sorry, I'm still getting used to it." Brad chuckled, "The reason I'm here is because I wanted you to meet Lennon."

"This is the famous Lennon." Colton smirked as he took me in.

I giggled, "Well I'm not famous."

"We can easily change that." He turned around to sit in his chair, "I've heard your sound, and I really like it."

"How did you hear me?" I asked confused.

"Brad would send me audio recordings of you singing." He crossed his arms.

I looked at Brad, "That's illegal!"

"Only if it's your song sweet heart." Colton added. "You were singing covers."

"I made sure that I didn't record you songs." Bradley gave me a reassuring smile as if it helped.

I looked back at Colton, "Well thanks but no thanks Mr. Fair. You probably won't hear or see me again." I stomped outside the room, and could hear Bradley chasing after me.

"Wait!" He grabbed my hand and pulled me back.

"Why should I?" I turned around to face him.

He took a deep breath, "I want to make you my first produced artist."

"Aww." I smiled, "So I'm just a label to you?" I said harshly.

He shook his head hard, "No! That's not it at all! You have so much talent, and I think you should follow your dream. I wanna help make your dream come true."

He did have a good point. I told him everything about me, even that if I ever got famous it would my life dream accomplished. I rolled my eyes and smiled, "Okay, I'll do it."

He smiled and picked me up, "Thank you Lennon!" He spun me around, "I won't let you down."

We walked back into Mr. Colton's office, "She's ready." Brad said as we entered.

Colton stood up and walked over to me, "You're a fisty bitch, I really like her Brad." He smiled and shook my hand, "Welcome to 3000 Miles. I have a contract that you're gonna have to look over and sign." He walked over to his desk and pulled out a stack of papers. "It's just saying that you a have a three year contract with us, if you get more famous when your contract is up we have to sell you over to another Label, and if they sign you then it's basically the same process after that." He smiled as he handed me the papers.

"Thank you Mr. Colton." I smiled and shook his hand. I looked over at Brad and gave him the tightest hug, "Thank you." I whispered in his ear.

"You're welcome Lenn." He whispered back.

My heart felt like it was about to beat out of my chest. I couldn't believe that I was gonna be famous. I had to go home and tell my family and friends.

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