"LENNON! LENNON! LENNON!" The crowd screamed my name, letting me know that they were ready to hear my performance.
I took a deep breath and walked out onto the stage and cheering grew louder. I looked over to see Brad smiling, and giving me a thumbs...
I looked at my clock, it was two p.m. I slept in so late. I checked my phone to see text messages from Shawn. I woke up instantly when I saw his name.
Text Message: Shawn Mendes Hey, I know you're tired and you have a flight back home in a few hours... But would you wanna hang out for awhile before you leave?
As my heart nearly pumped out of my chest, I heard a knock on the door. "Morning, well afternoon Thompson." Brad chuckled from behind the door, "Can I come in?"
"Yeah." I said not really paying attention.
He entered my room smiling ear to ear, "Okay, I have our day planned. You wanna hear what I've prepared?"
I nodded and looked up at him.
He smirked, "So I was thinking maybe we could have a nice brunch at the cafe down the street, then we could go sight seeing for a little while, then get on the plane and head home." He sat next to me on my bed, anticipating my reaction.
My phone dinged, and I immediately looked at him, but tried not to be too obvious that I was excited.
Text Message: Shawn Mendes Just let me know... I would love to hang out with you :)
"Thompson, who's that?" Brad asked curiously.
I clicked off my phone and smiled at the thought of him, "No one."
He sighed, "Let me see." He held out his hand waiting for me to give him the phone.
"No. It's my damn phone." I giggled.
"That my company paid for." He raised his eyebrows. He was right; they bought me an iPhone 5c when I signed up.
I sighed, "Fine." I tossed it to him, and he opened my messages.
"Shawn?" He said in disgust. "Why the hell are you talking to him?"
"It doesn't concern you why I'm talking to him. But if you would like to know, He's very interesting." The thought of him made me swoon.
He glared his eyes at me, "He's Canadain. The only thing interesting about him is how they manage to say aye so many times in a sentence."
I rolled my eyes, snatched my phone and got out of bed, "He hasn't said aye at all."
Brads eyes traced my legs. It confused me at first, but then I realized I was in my baseball tee, and underwear.
"Shit!" I grabbed the blanket and covered my legs, "You perv!" I snarled.
He rolled his eyes, "I'm the perv? You're the one who went to bed in that," he motioned towards all of me, "and let me come in before you were dressed. " he laughed, "So yeah, I'm the perv." He stood up and walked out of my room, "You can go with Shawn, but be at the airport by seven tonight. And don't let him make any moves on you." He smirked and finally closed the door.
I laughed and flipped him off. I had to get ready to hang out with Shawn; but first I had to text him to let him know that we were gonna hang today.
Hey Shawn! Sorry I accidentally slept in late, but I would love to hang out with you for the day! I have to be at the airport by seven, and can't be late. But yeah, I can't wait! ^.<
Text Message: Shawn Mendes Can't wait to see you! I'll pick you up in 10 mins :) see you soon
I couldn't contain my excitement, and smile. Time to get dressed. I slid on my white casual dress with black stripes that go across it, and black converse. Perfect.
Soon Shawn found my hotel room, and knocked on the door. Brad wasn't too excited to see him, but I was, and that's all that matters.
"You like coffee?" Shawn asked as he started his car.
"Yeah, I guess so. I don't usually drink it, but I do every once in a while." I blushed.
We stayed at Starbucks for twenty minutes tops, just talking about everything that came to mind. I was smiling so much, and I could tell because my cheeks were in excruciating pain.
"You smile a lot." Shawn pointed out with a grin.
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I looked down at my coffee with a smile and a blush. "I can't help it. I'm having a lot of fun."
"Me too." He blushed, "It's nice to talk to someone. You're laid back, not trying to kill me by pulling on my limbs."
I laughed, "Hey at least they see you, and want you." I felt sadness rising, "I'm nobody back home, and I don't even know if I'll be a somebody here." I shrugged.
Shawn gently laid his hand over mine, "Hey, don't think like that. You're a somebody. You're gonna do great things, and make a lot of people happy." His smiled reassured me, for some reason I felt safe.
"Thank you. I needed to hear that." I blushed and continued to sip on my coffee.
"Let's go sight seeing." Shawn added an idea.
"Okay." I quickly drank my Luke warm coffee. We soon left the coffee shop and went sight seeing. I couldn't imagine a better day. This was the beginning to a life long friendship... I could tell