=The Beginning=

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I was late. And didn't even have a good reason to be. I quickly slid out of bed and rushed to get ready.

Shower? Nah. Black clothes? Yes!

My hair was slightly curled from the night before. I went to a family get together, and wanted to look boss.

I slid on my favorite black skinny jeans, a loose 'My Chemical Romance' tank top, and my white converse. And I packed a blue hoodie for the day, because I would freeze to death in Miss. Jenkins class.

My breath tasted like death; I quickly brushed my teeth, and applied some makeup before leaving the house.

As I rushed outside I looked to my right, and there was my skateboard; still leaned up against the wall where I left it yesterday.

I quickly skated to school. I loved skating every morning. For some reason it calmed me. The wind rushing past me, ringing my ears. I loved it.

>.<>.<Later At School>.<>.<

"Why were you late today?" Kelli said as she shoved her spoonful of mashed potatoes into her mouth.

Lunch. The most amazing thing. My favorite class in school. I shrugged and let out a sigh, "I don't know."

Dylan let out a laugh, "I call bullcrap!"

A gave him a serious look, "I'm not lying. I know how I usually have these amazing stories for an excuse, but not today." I looked down to see what the lunch lady had thrown on my plate, hamburger and mashed potatoes; "Lunchlady accidentally mashed my French Fries." I pouted my bottom lip, and then giggled as did Dylan and Kelli.

"I don't mind it." Kelli shrugged as she gulped another bite.

My body cringed, I couldn't eat mashed potatoes with a hamburger. I looked up into Dylan's green eyes, "If I eat the burger, will you eat my potatoes?"

He smiled and nodded as I lifted the burger off my tray, and he scooted the tray closer to him. "You guys still coming to my house tonight after school?" Dylan asked to Kelli and I, The only ones at our special table.

Kelli looked around and was lost in a thought, "I can't tonight because my cousins coming into town this weekend and my mom wants me to pick him up from the airport."

Dylan let out a depressed sigh then looked at me, "What about you? You coming?"

I felt bad. He only had two girls as friends and three annoying brothers at home. I smiled, "Yeah of course." As much as I wanted to sleep in, he was my Friend.

He quickly perked up, "Thank you! My brothers were probably gonna kill me. But this way, they can't. Haha." He chuckled and continued to eat mashed potatoes.

I smiled at him, not really paying attention. My eyes were distracted by Liam Perkson. His beautiful golden locks were packed tight into a small quiff, his eyes shined brighter than the ocean, and his smile... I swooned as I watched him make his way past our table.

Dylan turned around to see what Kelli and I were drooling over. Liam Perkson. "Get over it you guys." He snapped, "Liam is nothing but a player. All he thinks about is football and sex."

"All guys think about that." Kelli giggled, "I'd make an exception for him though."

Kelli had a boyfriend, and was not a virgin at the very least. She had been with a multitude of guys, so she was branded as a slut by the cheerleaders, and only because she stole one of their boyfriends. She was brave as hell, and didn't give a shit what people thought.

We're polar opposites, but besties at the most. She sleeps with anyone who compliments her, I'm still a virgin. She disobeys her parents and doesn't care, I know I'll die if I lie once. Her parents are divorced, mine are still together. She's an only child, I'm the middle child of three. Two different worlds, two different lives. But we both have the same taste in music, clothes, and guys.

Dylan rolled his eyes and took our trays to clean up our table. "I'll see you after school Lennon."

I nodded my head, still focused on Liam. I wonder if he even knows I exist. He quickly turned his gaze towards me, and grinned. I nearly died. He saw me drooling, that's what he was grinning about. Ugh! My life is such a struggle.


My knuckles rested on the door and I knocked three times. Soon Dylan opened the door smiling, "Hey!"

"Hey!" I gave him a hug and walked inside.

His house was huge. Well, it wasn't huge, it was normal size; mine was just small. Everytime I went inside it would always shock me.

"What's the plan my man?" I asked as I snapped my fingers then clapped them together. Habits.

He shrugged and bit his lip, "Um, I was thinking maybe we could go see a movie or something."

I smiled and agreed. Dylan liked me, like a lot! He told Kelli in third grade that he liked me since I moved here, and she came rushing to me. That's basically how our friendship started.

We linked arms as we walked to the theater. He lived down the road from the best cinema in San Antonio Texas.

He let me pick the movie since I came, so I chose to watch Alice Through The Looking Glass. I felt like being a kid and watching something childish, just because that was my mentality. Hehe.


•Authors Note•

Hey guys, I hope that you guys liked the first two chapters! Please comment and vote! I would love to know what y'all think!

Thanks guys!!!! I love you all!!!


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