=No Place Like Home=

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I was so glad to be home, but I still had to work. We would be doing a few touch ups on the album before we promoted it.

My mom made me breakfast and I drove to the '3000 Miles' HQ. Brad texted me that he would be there before me.

Once I made it there everyone greeted me with smiles. "Lennon." Colton stopped me in the hallway, "I just wanted to tell you that your first album, is flawless."

I couldn't hold back my smile, "Thank you sir."

"And we've done A lot of records here, but yours so far has been my favorite. Keep up the good work." He smiled and walked into his office.

Brad came up to me, "We have only the last two songs to touch up before we promote it. Are you excited?"

"Am I excited?" I asked myself, then squealed, "I'm ecstatic!" I hugged him so tight.

He smiled, "Well let's go get it done, so you can make some money." His chuckle lit up the room.

We walked into one of the back rooms that had most of the editing equipment in it.

As I sat down on one of the couches, Brad sat down at the main chair with all the equipment in front of him. "Alrighty, let's get this thing started." He cracked his fingers, rolled his neck and started to operate on my album.

He would constantly ask me how I liked each effect, and I simply loved all of it. But it was insainly difficult at times, because we would argue over having too many effects, and when we went to take some off, it would delete all of the effects on each song.

But Brad and I managed to get it finished. From there we would have to get our photoshoot for the cover, and get it published. Then make sure that it would be sold in stores all over the world, even in the technology world. [Amazon, Amazon Prime, iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, etc.]

"Okay Lenn, you can go home. Tomorrow be ready for your photoshoot. Go hang out with your family and enjoy your time with them. If this takes off, you probably won't get as much time with them." His mouth frowned and mine did too.

This was a very rough business, well so I've been told. Fun as hell, but rough nonetheless.

I drove home and once I got there I sat in the living room with Tate and Drew. They were playing Call Of Duty, so I joined in on the game.

After an hour of winning at being loser, I decided to eat something. My mom was making dinner in the kitchen. The had flown by, and I was devastated that I couldn't spend more time with my family.

"Hey Momma." I smiled as I walked into the small kitchen that we had.

"Hey Lennon. How was work?" She asked as she cut open an onion.

I rolled my eyes and laughed, "Long." I fiddled with my nails and took a seat a the table, "I missed y'all."

"Awww honey, we missed you too. You never told me about how LA was." She continued to multitask, that was her specialty.

I told her about all of the adventures that Brad and I had in LA. She was beyond happy for me, and she made sure that I knew it.

"That's wonderful Lennon! Maybe one of these days that you go again, I could come?" She smiled.

My lips curved into the biggest smile, as I had the best idea, "We're just gonna go and have a whole week to ourselves."

She raised her eyebrows, smirked, and pointed at me, "That's a good idea. Just don't tell your dad."

I chuckled and crossed my heart, "I'm sworn to secrecy."

"Sworn to secrecy about what?" My dad smiled as he entered the kitchen and kissed my forehead, then did the same to my mom.

"Oh just about mommas secret recipe." I tried to play it off.

He turned to taste whatever it was that she was making. She gave me a thumbs up, and mouthed, "Good cover."

I just winked and smiled. "I'm gonna go to my room, call me when dinners ready." I stood up and walked to my room.

As I plopped on the bed I checked my phone.

3 Missed Calls: Brad Robertson
2 Voicemails
50 Unread Texts

"Damn Brad." I chuckled under my breath.

I went back to listen to the voicemails.
"Hey Lenn, it's Brad." I heard laughing in the background, "Uh, I was wondering if you're busy? Call me back asap! Bye rockstar."

Okay, time for the second one.
"Lennon, it's me Brad. I don't know what you're doing right now, but this is super urgent!" I kept hearing laughing, and for some reason it made me giggle, "Dude, shut up!" Brad laughed as he demanded someone to silence. "Anyways, pleaseeee call me back! Bye."

So I quickly called him back, "Hello?" I heard the same voice that I just heard a few seconds ago.

"Hey sorry, I was helping my mom cook." I apologized.

I could hear him smiling, "It's Okay. Hey, I was wondering if you're busy."

"Nah, I'm not busy. Just other than the fact that I'm about to eat dinner with my family."

He sighed, "Ugh! Damn, well that's okay. I was just wondering if you wanted to come hang out with me and some friends for a bit?"

"Where at? What time?" I said intrigued.

"Thought you were busy." I heard him smirking.

I laughed, "Don't smirk through the phone. And I can obviously eat dinner when I get home. Duh."

He chuckled, "Okay, well it's actually on the rooftop of 3000 miles. And you can show up anytime. We're trying to pull an all nighter."

"I'm on my way. Give me a few minutes to get ready." I smiled and blushed.

"Okay. Get here quick! Bye Lenn!"

"Bye Brad." We both hung up, and I quickly rushed to get ready. Then I had to think of how I was gonna do this. Just tell my parents that I'm going to work. I technically am. The rooftop of my work.

"Hey momma. I can't stay for dinner, just got called in to do some things for work." I rolled my eyes and pretended that I wasn't thrilled to be going. Even though I was dying of excitement on the inside.

She frowned a little bit, "That's fine. What time do you plan on being home?"

"Not sure. They said this could take all night." I shrugged.

She sighed, "Okay, just text your dad and I every hour and let us know what's going on."

"I will. I love you guys." I smiled, and hugged them goodbye as I drove to "work."


Heyyyy guys! Sorry that it's been forever since I've updated. I promise that I'm gonna update more, I've just been really busy with ALOT of stuff.

Thank you all so much for ALWAYS being so supportive to me. Please vote, and comment!!! Love you guys! Keep reading :))

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2016 ⏰

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