"LENNON! LENNON! LENNON!" The crowd screamed my name, letting me know that they were ready to hear my performance.
I took a deep breath and walked out onto the stage and cheering grew louder. I looked over to see Brad smiling, and giving me a thumbs...
Brad and I had to wake up early to get to the studio. Colton said that we needed to start my first album ASAP. Colton said that the recording studio he had in L.A was much larger than in San Antonio, so we would most likely get a better sound there.
We no longer had a limo to drive us around anymore. We had people mauling our car, thinking that there was an actual celebrity in here. People are so weird. We now have a black Tahoe that we get to drive around ourselves.
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I'm so glad to have Brad or I drive it, instead of some random stranger.
Brad quickly drove over to the '3000 Miles' recording studio. This building was beyond gorgeous. I thought the other building was pretty, this place was stunning.
An older lady sat behind the counter, "Hi, I'm Debbie. How can I help you two?" She greeted us with a smile.
"Hi, I'm Brad Robertson, and this is Lennon Thompson. We're scheduled for a recording session?"
She smiled and quickly checked her computer, "Yes, your session is on the forth floor, room 17. They're expecting y'all."
"Thank you." Brad and I said together. "Let's take the elevator." Brad smiled as we walked over to the glass elevator. He gently pressed the number four, and the elevator quickly glided up from the floor, and we were soon off it.
I was utterly stunned by how beautiful this place really was. "You okay Thompson?" Brad asked with a smile.
"Yeah," I nodded, "I'm just really excited."
"I bet you are. I am too." He smirked and searched for room 17. Once we found it we knocked and a man greeted us at the door.
"Welcome! Are you two Lennon and Brad?" This man was thick, but very classy. He had a slight scruff on his chin, brown eyes, and combed back hair.
We both smiled and nodded, as we entered the room. "So what's your name?" I asked.
"I'm Tom Houton." He smiled and fixed his suit, "Colton has told me a lot about you. You write your own songs?"
I simply nodded. It's not that I was afraid to say anything, it's just that I was nervous and didn't want to embarrass myself.
"Would you mind to play one for me?"
I smiled, "Sure." I stood up and grabbed a guitar off the wall, and sang him one of my songs called New World.
His mood didn't change as I sang the song, but he did tap his feet. "I don't like it." He said as I finished, "I love it. You're talented. How did you come up with something so powerful?" Tom asked as he crossed his arms.
"Well, let's just say, I've seen and been through a lot." I shrugged my shoulders and smiled as I placed the guitar back.
"Alrighty then. Would you like to get started?" He stood up and extended his hand.
"Yes sir." I smiled and shook his hand. This day was going to be the best. I could feel it.
"Can I take a break real quick? I have to go to the bathroom." I said urgently.
"Yeah of course." Tom nodded, "The bathroom it's just outside of the room to your left."
I quickly nodded and ran out to the bathroom. After I finished, I washed and dried my hands, and exited the bathroom.
Someone bumped into me. "I'm sorry." I apologized quickly, and then felt my cheeks start to burn when I looked up to see who was standing in front of me.
Shawn Flipping Mendes. "It's quite all right." He smiled, "I'm Shawn."
"Hi." I extended my hand, "I'm Lennon. Lennon Thompson."
He shook my hand with a smile, "Are you an assistant? Student? Friend or Foe?" He chuckled.
I giggled, "Um, no and no. Definitely a friend, hopefully not a foe."
"Are you a new artist?" He asked as he leaned his shoulder up against the wall.
I nodded, "Yeah, I've only been here for three days."
"That's awesome! I'd love to hear your work. Where you from?"
"San Antonio Texas." I blushed knowing he's gonna think I'm some hillbilly.
His face lit up with a smile, "Oh I love San Antonio. I've played there multiple times. Everything is so pretty, and the river walk, is just astonishing."
I died. He liked San Antonio? "Yeah, L.A is so much different than San Antonio." I giggled.
"Where's Lennon?" I heard Brads muffled voice from the inside of the room. Please don't come out here. The door opened and Brads head popped out. His face became excited, "Lennon, where'd you go?" He looked over at Shawn and his face grew serious.
"Well I had to go to the bathroom, but then I ran into Shawn, and we started talking." I giggled.
Brad continued to just look at Shawn, "Oh, okay. Well we're about to start recording some more, and we need the star."
"I'm coming." I smiled and started to walk back to the studio with Brad, I glanced back at Shawn and waved. He waved back, and my stomach fluttered. I couldn't fall for a celebrity, could I? I still wasn't sure on the rules, but I know it would be sometime before I'm told everything I can and can't do.
My heart was just so happy. I couldn't believe that I met Shawn Mendes, and I didn't even have to pay three hundred bucks to meet him. I just needed to be prepared for next time, hopefully that would be soon, very soon.