Charlena (AU)

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Silena's POV-

"Why did you blindfold me, Charlie?" I ask while I'm walking blindly.

"Will you let it rest?" Charlie says teasingly. I smile. He puts his strong hands on my shoulders and starts to push me forward. I reach my arms out to the side, trying to feel something. My right arm hits something that feels like a tree.

"Where are we?" I ask him.

"You'll see in a minute," he says.

"Oh, very punny," I say. He laughs and I shake my head. We walk a little more and then I collide with something. "Ow!"

"I'm sorry!" Charlie says and he takes off my blindfold. "Are you OK?"

"Yeah," I say. I look at my surroundings and see we are in a forest. "Why are we in a forest?"

"Just wait," he says. He puts the blindfold on me again and he starts to direct me forward again. After a few minutes, we stop. He takes off my blindfold and I see a picnic basket.

"Charlie!" I say. "You didn't have to do this!"

"But I did," he says. I shake my head. He walks over to the picnic and sits down. He pats the ground next to him and I sit down next to him. He wraps his arm around my shoulders as I open the picnic basket.

"How did you know this is my favorite?" I ask him when I see a peanut butter and apple sandwich in there.

"Clarisse," Charlie says and takes a sandwich for himself. We eat in a comfortable silence.

"Silena, I just want you to know, I love you with all my heart," Charlie says, looking at me.

I stare at him. He hasn't said this to me ever. "I-I love you too," I say. "I love you to the moon and back."

He hugs me. We get out of the embrace and I kiss him straight on the lips. He seems kinda surprised but then he starts to kiss me as well. I break away and he smiles. I smile back. I lean backward and I lay down on the ground, staring at the sky. Charlie lays down next to me and I snuggle closer to him. I have to best boyfriend ever.
I know this is short, but it can be short and sweet! Nico1_HLiz requested it. We hope you like it!

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