Reynico (AU)

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Reyna's POV-

"Nico, please tell me where you are driving us too," I say because I don't recognize any of the scenery. He chuckles.

"I'm not gonna kidnap you if that's what you're wondering," he says. I glare at him. He grins. "You'll be fine, OK?"

I grumble an OK. I look out the window and my face reflects in it. My black hair is in my traditional braid and my dark eyes are outlined in mascara. I look at the front of the car because Nico has stopped it. "Why'd we stop?" I ask.

"Because we are here," he says simply. He gets out of the car and comes over to my side and opens my door for me. I get out and he slips his hand in mine. He walks forward, pulling me. 

"Come on!" he says. 

"OK," I say and we walk up to a building. He opens the door for me and I walk in. He walks in and we walk up to a desk. 

"Excuse me," Nico says to the lady at the desk. "I'm here for the reservation of di Angelo."

"Hold on, let me get Percy and Hazel to help you," she says. She leaves the desk and comes back a minute later with a raven haired guy and copper skin girl. 

"Nice to meet you," the girl says. "I'm Hazel Levesque and this is Percy Jackson. We will be your hosts today."

Nico shakes hands with Percy and hugs Hazel. "OK, let's go get your horses," Percy says. I notice he has a silver ring on his left ring finger. We walk to a backroom and head through a door into the barn. I see four beautiful horses. One is an all black horse, a white one, and two brown ones. Hazel and Percy head to the two brown ones stalls. 

"I get the black one," Nico says quickly. I sigh and walk over to the white horse. I pet her muzzle. She bites my fingers a little but not hard enough to hurt.  "What's their names?"

"The black one is named Angel and the white one is named Belle. The one's Hazel and I are riding are named Toby and Rascal," Percy says. 

"Cool names," I say. 

"So, Nico, you said that Hazel and I have to stop riding because-" Percy says but Nico clears his throat. 

"Yep, that's the plan," Nico says quickly. Percy catches what Nico means but I don't. Hazel smiles at me. I walk over to her. 

"What does your brother have planned?" I whisper to her. 

"Something special," she tells me. "You know what, Percy? I'm actually going to ride Arion. I don't think Toby likes me."

"That's fine," Percy says and Hazel puts her horse back and grabs a beautiful light brown horse. Percy and Hazel hops on their horses. 

"Do you need help?" Nico asks me. I turn around.

"Do you think I need help?" I ask him. 

"OK, OK," he says and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek. I put my foot in the stirrup and I swing the other leg over Belle. She neighs a little. I grab the reigns. 

"Nico, you said you didn't want us to tell you about sights. Is that still correct?" Hazel asks. 

"Yeah," Nico says. 

"Why don't you?" I say.

"Because I don't want it," Nico says and gets up on his horse. He looks like a natural on it. 

"Well, let's go," Percy says. His horse starts moving and Hazel follows him. I kick Belle gently and she trots after the other horses. Nico and Angel ride right next to me. 

"Are you having fun?" he asks me.

"Sure," I say sarcastically. 

"You're not having fun aren't you?" he says. 

"Nope," I say and he looks sad. I reach across and grab his hand.

"I'm glad I'm here with you though," I say and he smiles at me. 

"Do you know how much I love you?" he asks me. 

"Yeah," I say while rolling my eyes. "To the sky and back."

He grins. "That is so true," he says to me.

"It sure is," I tell him and I squeeze his hand. He smiles at me and I smile back. We ride a little bit like this. 

"Do you want us to stop here?" Percy asks Nico. 

"Yeah, that's fine," he says. "Thanks."

Nico gets off his horse and kisses Hazel's cheek. "Thanks for this," he says to her. 

"No problem. I would do anything for my brother," she says and winks at me. What in the world just happened?

"See you guys later," Percy says and they leave us alone. I get off Belle and tie her reigns to a tree. Nico grabs my hand and leads me to a little house. He opens the door and I walk inside. It has two chairs surrounding a table. Nico pulls out the chair and I sit down. 

"What are you doing?" I ask him as he sits down. 

"I'm doing nothing," he says. "Just having a date with the woman I love."

He smiles nervously. "What's wrong?" I ask him. 

He takes a deep breath. "Reyna, I love you. I love everything about you," he says and I give him a weird look. 

"I know you love me," I say slowly. 

He grins and says, "I've been wanting to do this for some time now but I never had the courage. And I still don't."

He gets out of his seat and kneels down on one knee. I gasp. "Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano, will you marry me?" he asks me. 

I stare at him and he starts to frown. "I mean, you don't-" he says but I interrupt him.

"Yes Nico," I say quietly. His eyes light up and he slips the ring on my finger. I look at it. It is a diamond that is about as big as my pinky finger nail.

"I'm sorry I couldn't afford anything more," he says. 

"It's perfect," I tell him. He stands up and gently kisses me. We break away after a moment and I say, "I love you so much."

"I know you do. I mean, I am hard to resist," he says and I laugh. 

"You sure are," I say. He grins and he grabs my hand. I stand up and we walk outside to our horses. Well, to the place where our horses were. They aren't anywhere. 

"Do we have to walk back and tell them that we lost their horses?" Nico asks me. 

"I think so," I say. He groans. "At least I get to spend more time with you."

"Yeah. It's the best whenever I'm with you," he says. We smile at each other and walk back to the stables, hand-in-hand.

Well, there you go SparkleDolphin12. We hope you liked this!

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