Octarachel (AU)

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Octavian's POV-

Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh

I walk inside the bar and I hear a song just starting. I look around to see everyone dancing. Weird. I will never find her here. I start walking around, trying to find the redhead. I notice a circle of people surrounding someone. I push through people and see her. Rachel Elizabeth Dare.

I know it's when I can't stop my self from watchin' you mo-o-o-ove

I watch her dance. She's doing some weird moves and people start laughing. She waves her arms up and down as if she is a unicorn.

It's automatic gotta have it cause you got that boom da boom boom
(Boom da boom boom)

I just stare at her. Beautiful. Her eyes find mine and and she waves me over to her.

When the lights come up its hard to hold back so come on let it blow

I walk over to her. "I'm not going to dance with you," I tell her.

"What?" she asks while jumping to the beat. "Can't hear you over the music!"

I laugh.

Can you feel it, coming down down down
Can you feel it, coming down down down
Move it faster, stronger, harder
Move it faster, stronger, harder

She takes my hand and pulls me forward. She starts moving my arms up and down. I give in and start dancing with her. I match her dance moves.

Can you feel it, turn it up up up
Can you feel it, turn it up up up
Can you feel it, feel it, feel it!
Its so electric I'm infected and I just can't hi-i-i-ide

Everyone around us stops dancing, watching Rachel and me. They start laughing at out weird moves. I stop dancing. "What are you doing?" she asks me.

"Not dancing with people laughing at me," I tell her.

"C'mon," she says and smiles. My heart skips a beat.

The way my heart is jumpin' for you beatin' double ti-i-i-ime
When the lights come up its hard to hold back so come on let it blow

"OK," I say and walk back to her. She smiles again and we start dancing. We do a dance move that is like washing the windows. I laugh. "I don't care that people are laughing at us! As long as I'm with you, everything is fine."

When the lights come up its hard to hold back so come on let it blow
Can you feel it, coming down, down, down
Can you feel it, coming down, down, down
Move it faster, stronger, harder
Move it faster, stronger, harder

She grins at me. We dance and someone joins us. I look over and I see a Latino boy with a girl dancing as well. "We wanted to join you!" the Latino boys says.

"Not we, he did," the girl with him tells us. I nod and Rachel starts dancing again. I follow her moves and the other two people follow our moves.

Can you feel it, turn it up up up
Can you feel it, turn it up up up
Can you feel it, turn it up up up
Can you feel it, feel it, feel it
Hey Hey

The four of us do a big wave. I look over to Rachel and she is laughing. I sigh and kiss her cheek quickly. Her face turns almost as red as her hair. I smile and she smiles back.

Put your hands up and get it rockin'
Hey Hey
Show the whole world we're never stoppin'
Hey Hey
Put your hands up we're lightin' up the sky

We wave our hands high. "We have to do a great finish to the end to the song!" Rachel tells us.

"How?" I ask her.

"Just follow me," she says. She whispers in the other girls ear and she nods.

When the lights come up its hard to hold back
So come on let it blow
Can you feel it, turn it up up up
Can you feel it, turn it up up up
Can you feel it feel it feel it

Rachel and the girl skip around the Latino guy and me. The keep skipping around us and I frown at the Latino guy. "What are you doing, Calypso?" the Latino guy asks the other girl, Calypso.

"Nothing," she says.

Can you feel it feel it feel it
Can you feel it, turn it up up up
Can you feel it, turn it up up up
Can you feel it, turn it up up up
Can you feel it, turn it up up up
Can you feel it

Rachel and Calypso run toward us and Rachel picks me up. "What are you doing?" I yell.

"Big finish!" she yells back. Calypso picks up the Latino guy and they throw us in the air. They step back and let us fall down on our backs. I groan.

"What was that for?" I ask Rachel. The song is over now.

"For finding me when I specifically told you not too," she says.

"But I wanted too," I say.

"I told you not too," she says and helps me up.

"Rachel, I love you. I had too," I tell her. We walk out of the circle, people giving us weird looks. She looks at me.

"We can't be together," she says.

"Why not?" I ask her.

"Because we can't," she says, not elaborating on why. I sigh and shake my head. I do the unthinkable: I kiss her. She pushes me away.

"Rachel-" I say but she interrupts me.

"Please Octavian. Please don't make me love you even more," she whispers.

I stare at her in shock. "Why can't you be with me?" I ask her.

"You wouldn't understand," she says.

"I'm sure I would," I tell her.

"I've fallen in love before," she whispers. "But you came along and I fell in love all over again."

"I've read a quote before," I say.

"It must have been hard for you to read," she says jokingly.

I smile and say, "The quote said, 'If you have fallen in love twice, you should take the second person you fell in love with. Why would you have fallen in love with the first person if you've fallen in love again?'"

She smiles a little. "Then I choose you," she says and puts her arms around my shoulders. I lean down and kiss her. She kisses me back.

"Hey guy-" someone says but stops talking.

I jump away from Rachel. "Did you have to interrupt them, Leo?" Calypso asks the Latino guy.

"Get a room!" he says jokingly. I blush really hard. Rachel laughs and wraps an arm around my waist. I smile. What a great night.

We decided to write an Octarachel since we ship it. We hope you guys liked it! And we probably update this more often since not much people are reading this. Actually, only one person is reading this.

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